smartgit document Rebase】的更多相关文章

The Rebase command allows you to apply commits from one branch to another. Rebase can be viewed as more powerful version of Cherry-Pick, which is optimized to apply multiple commits from one branch to another. In SmartGit, a distinction is made betwe…
'Normal' Merge In case of a normal merge, a merge commit with at least two parent commits (i.e., the last from the current branch and the last from the merged branch) is created. See the following figure, where > indicates where the HEAD is pointing…
The Index The Index is an intermediate cache for preparing a commit. With SmartGit, you can make heavy use of the Index, or ignore its presence completely - it's all up to you. The Stage command allows you to save a file's content from your working t…
This page provides an introduction to SmartGit from an SVN users perspective and shows how the SVN workflows can be performed using SmartGit: Check Out: cloning an SVN repository Working Copy: the Git working tree Commit (part 1): Commit locally Log:…
Git Concepts This section helps you to get started with Git and gives you an understanding of the fundamental Git concepts. Repository, Working Tree, Commit First, we need to introduce some Git-specific terms which may have different meanings in othe…
document.documentElement.clientHeight 与 document.body.clientHeight用来获取页面可视高度我觉得有点问题.这两个应该不是一个东西. 页面中加了:<!DOCTYPE html> 很明显在谷歌浏览器中两个值不是一个概念. 页面中不加:<!DOCTYPE html> 发现两个的值掉了个个! 所以这里有几个问题要搞明白: 1.<!DOCTYPE html>是什么 <!DOCTYPE> 声明不是 HTML…
当文档载入时执行function函数里的代码, 这部分代码主要声明,页面加载后 "监听事件" 的方法.例如: $(document).ready( $("a").click(function(){alert('你点我干嘛')}); ): 这句的意思是:页面加载成功后,页面内的所有链接在"点击"事件的时候,提示"你点我干嘛"…
在我电脑屏幕上显示的 电脑是 1920*1080这是在document.compatMode:css1Compat模式 window.screen.availWidth 1920 window.screen.availWidth 1920 window.screen.availHeight 1057 window.screen.width 1920 window.screen.height 1080 window.document.body.offsetHeight 4901…
在Jquery里面,我们可以看到两种写法:$(function(){}) 和$(document).ready(function(){}) 这两个方法的效果都是一样的,都是在dom文档树加载完之后执行一个函数(注意,这里面的文档树加载完不代表全部文件加载完). 而window.onload是在dom文档树加载完和所有文件加载完之后执行一个函数.也就是说$(document).ready要比window.onload先执行. 那么Jquery里面$(document).ready函数的内部是怎么实…
在掌握了基础的 Git 使用 之后,可能会遇到一些常见的问题.以下是猫哥筛选总结的部分常见问题,分享给各位朋友,掌握了这些问题的中的要点之后,git 进阶也就完成了,它包含以下部分: 如何修改 origin 仓库信息 如何配置 git ssh keys 如何撤销修改 遇到冲突了怎么解决 git stash / alias / submodule 的使用问题等 问:如何修改 origin 仓库信息? 1.添加 origin 仓库信息 git remote add origin <git仓库地址>…