C++03 3.9-10: 1 Arithmetic types (3.9.1), enumeration types, pointer types, and pointer to member types (3.9.2), and cv-qualified versions of these types (3.9.3) are collectively called scalar types. Scalar types, POD-struct types, POD-union types (c…
How to get the xpath by clicking an html element How to get the xpath by clicking an html element Quick Tip: Outline Elements on Hover Quick Tip: Outline Elements on Hover Highlight On Mouseover Effect With JQuery Highlight On Mouseover Effect With J…
本文网址:http://www.cnblogs.com/tunnel213/p/4301165.html 现象: 百度“JavaScript函数高级”后找到一篇文章,百度空间的,无法查看: 配置: 三星I929, Android 4.0, UC浏览器 诊断过程: 1.使用UC浏览其他网页正常,说明网络.手机.浏览器均正常: 2.使用UC的“网络诊断”功能,显示访问网站失败!然而使用其它手机可查看该网页,说明不是网站的原因! 3.百度后,初步认猜测可能是hosts文件的导致的! 解决: 1.已经r…
document.domain - JavaScript的同源策略问题:错误信息:Permission denied to access property 'document'_eecc00_百度空间 document.domain - JavaScript的同源策略问题:错误信息:Permission denied to access property 'document' 笔者在做第三方集成时,使用了<iframe>,通过子页面的js来调整父页面的元素时,会出现访问不到的情况.错误信息:P…
memcached vs MySQL Memory engine table 速度比较_XMPP Jabber即时通讯开发实践_百度空间 memcached vs MySQL Memory engine table 速度比较 Performance compare: Tim  http://hi.baidu.com/jabber/blog/category/Memcached memcached 1.2.0MySQL 5.0.26 with MEMORY (heap) engine 记录数:50…
提高mysql memory(heap) engine内存性能的开源补丁_XMPP Jabber即时通讯开发实践_百度空间 提高mysql memory(heap) engine内存性能的开源补丁…
sort 使用 tab键 作为 分隔符_人生如梦_百度空间 sort 使用 tab键 作为 分隔符 For some reason "\t" doesn't work right, sort doesn't want to interpret it:Code:~$ sort -t \\t -k2 -n examplesort: multi-character tab `\\t'You can enter a tab using <backslash-code>' synta…
centos5.5字体为方块问题的解决_深入学习编程_百度空间 centos5.5字体为方块问题的解决 一.yum -y install fonts-chinese二.yum -y install fonts-ISO8859-2第一次安装centos5.5时,经过上面的两步就能够显示中文了,但第二次安装的时候,还是不显示.在网上找了半天.试了下面的操作 #vi /etc/sysconfig/i18n 将LANG="en_US.UTF-8" SYSFONT="latarcyrh…
body{ font-family: "Microsoft YaHei UI","Microsoft YaHei",SimSun,"Segoe UI",Tahoma,Helvetica,Sans-Serif,"Microsoft YaHei", Georgia,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif,宋体, PMingLiU,serif; font-size: 10.5pt; line-height: 1.5;}…
body{ font-family: "Microsoft YaHei UI","Microsoft YaHei",SimSun,"Segoe UI",Tahoma,Helvetica,Sans-Serif,"Microsoft YaHei", Georgia,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif,宋体, PMingLiU,serif; font-size: 10.5pt; line-height: 1.5;}…