Palindromic characteristics of string s with length |s| is a sequence of |s| integers, where k-th number is the total number of non-empty substrings of s which are k-palindromes. A string is 1-palindrome if and only if it reads the same backward as f…
The Cartesian coordinate system is set in the sky. There you can see n stars, the i-th has coordinates (xi, yi), a maximum brightness c, equal for all stars, and an initial brightness si (0 ≤ si ≤ c). Over time the stars twinkle. At moment 0 the i-th…
Two boys decided to compete in text typing on the site "Key races". During the competition, they have to type a text consisting of s characters. The first participant types one character in v1 milliseconds and has ping t1 milliseconds. The secon…
Some natural number was written on the board. Its sum of digits was not less than k. But you were distracted a bit, and someone changed this number to n, replacing some digits with others. It's known that the length of the number didn't change. You h…
n people are standing on a coordinate axis in points with positive integer coordinates strictly less than 106. For each person we know in which direction (left or right) he is facing, and his maximum speed. You can put a bomb in some point with non-n…
题目大意: 给定n m k:(1≤n≤1e5, 0≤m≤200, 1≤k≤1e5) 表示n个时间长度内 最多被打扰m次 k个红包 接下来k行描述红包 s t d w:(1≤s≤t≤d≤n , 1≤w≤1e9) 表示在 s 到 t 的时间内都可开始获得该红包 该红包在时间 d 时才能完成获得 红包内有w硬币 在同一时间段内只能获得一个红包 不能同时获得两个及以上 求在被打扰的情况下使获得的红包硬币最少 是多少 用in out标记各红包可被获得的区间 用multiset维护在某个时间点可获得的红包有…