facebook api之Ad】的更多相关文章

Ad Contains information to display an ad and associate it an ad set. Each ad is associated with an ad set and all ads in a set have the same daily or lifetime budget, schedule, and targeting. Creating multiple ads in an ad set helps optimize their de…
The Ads Insights API provides API access for reporting and analytics purposes. When exclusively using the Ad Insights API, request the ads_read permission. 1. Marketing API Quickstart 2. Example Query: Campaign Statistics 3. All References #  Next St…
转自(http://sls.weco.net/node/10773) 一.Facebook API 基礎概念 Facebook API 概論 : API 最大的好處在於可以讓程式開發人員只需要根據 API 定義的方式呼叫相對應的功能,無須瞭解該功能底層的原始碼為何或理解其內部運作機制的細節.Facebook API 正是 Facebook 所推出的應用程式介面,我們可以透過這個應用程式介面存取 Facebook 中使用者.群組.個人檔案.相片等資料. 使用 Facebook API,須先下載 A…
http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-31#section-10.5 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14010876/cant-get-access-token-using-facebook-oauth code REQUIRED. The authorization code generated by the authorization server. The authorization code…
Facebook 商业价值简介 Facebook 是一个社交网络服务网站,于 2004 年 2 月 4 日上线,到 2010 年 2 月 2 日, Facebook 正赶超雅虎将成为全球第三大网站,与微软谷歌领衔前三.Facebook 一个月内增加的新用户量相当于雅虎一年所增加的用户量,当前的注册用户为 3.5 亿,这些用户中有一半的人每天都会访问网站.面对如此庞大和活跃的的用户群体,企业已经看到了它所蕴含的巨大商机.许多品牌都在 Facebook 上创建了企业账户,收集用户对产品的的评论反馈信…
Facebook广告API系列 1 Facebook Graph API Facebook提供了一套类rest的接口,统称为Graph API.为啥叫Graph?因为facebook把所有的资源都抽象成节点,资源之间的关联关系抽象成边.访问节点数据,直接通过 GET /版本号/节点id.访问特定节点A的边,通过 GET /版本号/节点A id/AB边的名称. 具体的例子,比如一个广告计划campaign的id如果是2e43,读取广告计划数据就是: GET /v2.5/2e43 { "field…
Business Manager System User Make programatic, automated actions on ad objects or Pages, or do programmatic ads buying. System users represent servers or software making API calls to assets owned or managed by a Business Manager. The easiest, quickes…
Access and Authentication There are three access levels to the Marketing APIs. You can upgrade access after you meet criteria described later. Note that calls on ANY access level are against production data. Level Description Development Try and test…
General information on the Marketing APIs, access, versioning and more. The main use cases for the Marketing API are ads insights, audience management, and ads management: Ads Insights and Insights API Reference Audience Management: manage your first…
Business-scoped Users - The new user is tied to a particular business and has permissions scoped to this business. Users can manage their profile, permissions, and asset access that is associated with that business. Invitations - Invite people to acc…