Creating a Hadoop-2.x project in Eclipse Hadoop WordCount with new map reduce api…
Creating a Hadoop-2.x project in Eclipse hortonworks:MapReduce Ports hadoop-1.x 集群默认配置和常用配置…
Hadoop: Setup Maven project for MapReduce in 5mn 25 MAY 2013 / ANTOINE AMEND I am sure I am not the only one who ever struggled with Hadoop eclipse plugin installation. This plugin strongly depends on your environment (eclipse, ant, jdk) and hadoop d…
一.前言 环境: 系统:centos6.5 hadoop版本:Apache hadoop2.7.3(Windows和centos都是同一个) eclipse版本:4.2.0(juno版本,windows) ant版本:ant 1.7.1(windows) java版本:1.8.0_05(windows) 我是在虚拟机中安装的系统,具体的安装和配置参考:Hadoop单机伪分布部署. 二.制作插件 1. 下载 在github下载:h…
Assuming you have created a project in GitHub, these are the steps to import it into Eclipse. First, you have to add the git repository to Eclipse. To do so, first make the git repository view visible in Eclipse from the menu 'Window > Show views >…
把hadoop源码关联到eclipse工程     转: 在eclipse中阅读源码非常方便,利于我们平时的学习,下面讲述如何把hadoop源码导入到eclpse的java工程中. 解压源码 首先,我们在windows下使用winrar把hadoop-1.1.2.tar.gz解压,如图1所示 图1 我们关注文件夹src,浏览该文件夹,如图2所示 图2 我们需要这三个文件夹,一会我们会把这三个文件夹复制到eclipse中. 创…
前言 你好,我是A哥(YourBatman). 有一个观点:若一个Java开发者能把IDEA玩得666,则技术一定不会差:但若玩不转IDEA(如不会设置.定制.解决日常问题.快捷键等等),那大概率水平很一般.因为高手一般得有高手的样子,你同意这个观点吗? 通过上篇文章 你也了解到,现今的Javaer绝大部分都使用IntelliJ IDEA作为IDE进行开发,但同时发现(从身边同事调查)大部分同学都并不能很好的使用IDEA,其中表现最为突出的是IDEA里的Project和Module两个概念,混淆…
In this lesson, we'll setup Ember-CLI and use it to create and run our first Ember.js project. Install: npm i -g ember-cli Run: ember new <project-name> Serve: cd <project-name> ember server…
The domain logic is like there are a bunch of objects, as well as a lot of configurations, according to ddd, there should a base entity, as well as dtos, using entity framework code first, always use migration to mysql, each change will be displayed…
环境 虚拟机:VMware 10 Linux版本:CentOS-6.5-x86_64 客户端:Xshell4 FTP:Xftp4 jdk8 hadoop-3.1.1 拓扑: 知识准备: 1.eclipse在win7本机电脑上,而部署的hadoop可以是在本机windows 也可以是远程Linux 伪分布式.完全分布式.HA集群 2.为了方便开发,引入hadoop的eclipse插件(插件并不是必需的),方便之处有两点:(1)对hadoop中的文件可视化(2)创建MapReduce Project…