Given a string representing an expression of fraction addition and subtraction, you need to return the calculation result in string format. The final result should be irreducible fraction. If your final result is an integer, say 2, you need to change…
Given a string representing an expression of fraction addition and subtraction, you need to return the calculation result in string format. The final result should be irreducible fraction. If your final result is an integer, say 2, you need to change…
[LeetCode]592. Fraction Addition and Subtraction 解题报告(Python) 标签(空格分隔): LeetCode 作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: 题目地址: 题目描述: Given a string representi…
Given a string representing an expression of fraction addition and subtraction, you need to return the calculation result in string format. The final result should be irreducible fraction. If your final result is an integer, say 2, you need to change…
Problem statement: Given a string representing an expression of fraction addition and subtraction, you need to return the calculation result in string format. The final result should be irreducible fraction. If your final result is an integer, say 2,…
Given a string representing an expression of fraction addition and subtraction, you need to return the calculation result in string format. The final result should be irreducible fraction. If your final result is an integer, say 2, you need to change…
题目如下: 解题思路:本题考察的是分数的加减法.小学时候就学过,分数的加减法是先求两个分母的最小公倍数,然后分子分别乘以最小公倍数与自己分母的商,相加后约分即可.所以,本题只要按+,-两个符号分割输入字符串,就可以得到所有的分数列表,做加减操作即可.考虑到第一个分数是负数的情况,我在代码中加入了一个判断,如果表达式第一个字符是负数,给表达式加上'0/1'的前缀,既不影响结果,又简化了代码. 代码如下: class Solution(object): def fractionAddition(se…
Given two integers representing the numerator and denominator of a fraction, return the fraction in string format. If the fractional part is repeating, enclose the repeating part in parentheses. For example, Given numerator = 1, denominator = 2, retu…
Given a string representing an expression of fraction addition and subtraction, you need to return the calculation result in string format. The final result should be irreducible fraction. If your final result is an integer, say 2, you need to change…
原题链接在这里: 题目: Given two integers representing the numerator and denominator of a fraction, return the fraction in string format. If the fractional part is repeating, enclose the repeating par…