[USACO 12JAN]Mountain Climbing】的更多相关文章

Description Farmer John has discovered that his cows produce higher quality milk when they are subject to strenuous exercise. He therefore decides to send his N cows (1 <= N <= 25,000) to climb up and then back down a nearby mountain! Cow i takes U(…
UPX壳,手脱后打不开,可能是在windows10脱壳的缘故吧.放在XP虚拟机上手脱可能会好,但是提示缺少dll.无奈,智能用工具了. 用的这个,感觉蛮好用的. 先打开程序.随便输入一个数,提示error IDA中找到相应字符串. F5反编译 可以看到,在while循环里面,限制我们输入的字符串必须是L或者R.当时我就输入了19个L,结果提示了error.按照代码的逻辑来看,讲道理是不可能出现这种情况的. 后来想可能是这个sub_41114F函数有问题,但是当我在IDA中查看时,出现了下面的情况…
P1561 [USACO12JAN]爬山Mountain Climbing 题目描述 Farmer John has discovered that his cows produce higher quality milk when they are subject to strenuous exercise. He therefore decides to send his N cows (1 <= N <= 25,000) to climb up and then back down a…
题目描述 Farmer John has discovered that his cows produce higher quality milk when they are subject to strenuous exercise. He therefore decides to send his N cows (1 <= N <= 25,000) to climb up and then back down a nearby mountain! Cow i takes U(i) time…
https://daniu.luogu.org/problemnew/show/P1561 题目描述 Farmer John has discovered that his cows produce higher quality milk when they are subject to strenuous exercise. He therefore decides to send his N cows (1 <= N <= 25,000) to climb up and then back…
传送门 题目大意: n头牛,上山时间为u(i),下山为d(i). 要求每一时刻最多只有一头牛上山,一头牛下山. 问每头牛都上下山后花费最少时间. 题解:贪心 推了推样例,发现上山时间一定,那找个下山最快 的当最后一头山上的牛. #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> #define LL long long #define N 25009 using…
我对\(Jhonson\)算法的理解:https://www.cnblogs.com/AKMer/p/9863620.html 题目传送门:https://www.luogu.org/problemnew/show/P1561 \(Jhonson\)裸题. 时间复杂度:\(O(nlogn)\) 空间复杂度:\(O(n)\) 代码如下: #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int maxn…
著作权归作者所有.商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处.作者:匿名用户链接:http://www.zhihu.com/question/30087053/answer/47815698来源:知乎 Benson Farb:晨兴通俗报告How to do Mathematics文稿(z) 晨兴通俗报告How to do Mathematics文稿(任金波整理,欢迎纠错) 以下是我整理并翻译成汉语的,本人才疏学浅,有些地方实在没听懂,其余部分难免也有很多错误,翻译的汉语对演讲者的意思的传达…
目录 入门逆向 Easy_vb Easy_Re 游戏过关 Timer(阿里CTF) 逆向入门 love LoopAndLoop(阿里CTF) easy-100(LCTF) SafeBox(NJCTF) Mountain climbing 前言:在bugku上把能写的逆向都写了,由于大佬们的writeup太深奥或者说太简洁了让我(小白)看得云里雾里.所以我写了这个详细点的writeup(理解错的地方望指出),尽量让大家都看得懂.最近比较忙先写到了这里,未完待续 入门逆向 下载后ida打开,双击_m…
Mountain Climbing WP 拿到题首先熟练地查个壳再用各种脱壳工具脱个壳. 脱壳之后熟练地双击感受一下出题者的恶意: 根据字面意思得知,是要根据一系列的操作来得到收益最大值,于是用ida打开并f5出来研究出题者是想让我们如何操作: 76和82分别是“L”和“R”的ASCII码值,所以联想到操作只有左移和右移.在来看看这段代码的其他部分: 这一部分相当于利用伪随机数构造了一个直角三角形的数表.由于是伪随机数,只要随机数种子srand()的值一样,构造出来的数表也是一样的.这里的随机数…