x265 code tracing】的更多相关文章

方瑞东的博客专栏 http://blog.csdn.net/frd2009041510/article/details/51182920 cabbage2008的专栏 http://blog.csdn.net/cabbage2008/article/details/50670176…
起步的迷思 周二:今天起来,天上下着小雨,气温降低了许多.从上周的二十多度又回到了七八度的样子.多穿了一件衣服,顶着寒风就出门了,确实是有点冷.到了公司,已经八点四十几了.有些小疲倦,头晕晕沉沉的,不知道是不是和在公交车上看视频有关系,反正不是很舒服.到了九点半,去参加培训了.培训的老师就是博客园推荐排名第一的Artech.真是有些意外.当时第一天来听金老师的课时,感觉老师很年轻,气质温和儒雅.没想到居然是技术大神,看到他博客中那么多博文,而且又出版了好几本书了,不得不让人钦佩崇拜.当然上午讲的…
A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources. Inspired by awesome-php. Admin Panels Libraries for administrative interfaces. Ajenti - The admin panel your servers deserve. django-suit - Alternative Django Admin-Inter…
Awesome Python  A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources. Inspired by awesome-php. Awesome Python Admin Panels Algorithms and Design Patterns Anti-spam Asset Management Audio Authentication Build Tools Caching Ch…
C. Ray Tracing 题目连接: http://codeforces.com/contest/724/problem/C Description oThere are k sensors located in the rectangular room of size n × m meters. The i-th sensor is located at point (xi, yi). All sensors are located at distinct points strictly…
我不告诉你这个链接是什么 分析:模拟可以过,但是好烦啊..不会写.还有一个扩展欧几里得的方法,见下: 假设光线没有反射,而是对应的感应器镜面对称了一下的话 左下角红色的地方是原始的的方格,剩下的三个格子是镜面对称的结果.原来的点是的话,剩下三个点从左上到右下分别是,,.真实情况是一个点不止只有这三个镜像点,一个点可以在平面内生成无数个点,可以用坐标表示为为任意非负整数. 假设光线没有经过反射,那么用函数可以表示为,这样要求包括镜像点在内的所有点,于是就有二元一次方程,可以改成四个二元一次方程式,…
http://codeforces.com/contest/724/problem/C 题目大意: 在一个n*m的盒子里,从(0,0)射出一条每秒位移为(1,1)的射线,遵从反射定律,给出k个点,求射线分别第一次经过这些点的时间. 解法一: (模拟) 射线不管怎么反射,都是和水平方向成45°角的,也就是说每一段射线上的点,横坐标和纵坐标的和或者差相等. 把每一个点放入它所对应的对角线里,然后模拟射线的路径就好. 代码: #include <iostream> #include <cstd…
内容提纲 • ETW 介绍 • ETW 使用 • ETW 监控本机Demo • ETW 监控远程机器的思路 • 底层类库:EventSource 介绍 • 底层类库:TraceEvent 介绍 ETW 是什么? 1.Event Tracing for Windows (ETW):是由操作系统提供的一种通用的,系统开销较低(与性能日志和警报相比)的事件追踪手段,用以监控具有负载的系统的性能. 2.ETW主要用于必须频繁记录事件.错误.警告或审核的服务器应用程序.ETW提供用户模式的应用程序和内核模…
Parallel Performance Optimize Managed Code For Multi-Core Machines Daan Leijen and Judd Hall This article discusses: Task Parallel Library Parallel.For versus ThreadPool Static Work Distribution Futures This article uses the following technologies: P…
Code coverage is a measure used in software testing that describes the degree to which the source code of a program has been tested. It a form of white box testing as it is a form of testing that inspects the code directly. Recommended Reading: 12 So…
原文地址:http://www.tomcatexpert.com/blog/2012/12/05/use-spring-insight-developer-analyze-code-install-it-tomcat-and-extend-it-plugins People are still discovering the benefits of the free tool from VMware SpringSource, called Spring Insight Developer. T…
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End-to-End Tracing of Ajax/Java Applications Using DTrace         By Amit Hurvitz, July 2007     Ajax, DTrace and Where They Meet Ajax is an emerging technology, which got a significant boost with the rise of applications like Google Maps. Ajax is in…
Research Code A rational methodology for lossy compression - REWIC is a software-based implementation of a a rational system for progressive transmission which, in absence of a priori knowledge about regions of interest, choose at any truncation time…
link from:http://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/native-java-bytecode-debugging-without-source-code/index.html Native Java Bytecode Debugging without Source Code Feb 12, 2014 | Jason Geffner, Sr. Security Researcher At CrowdStrike, we've seen a moderate inc…
https://mahmoudhatem.wordpress.com/2016/11/07/tracing-memory-access-of-an-oracle-process-intel-pintools/ November 7, 2016 Mahmoud Hatem troubleshoting This blog post is motivated by a conversation with Frits Hoogland on his great blog post The curiou…
 Preface 注:鉴于很多网站随意爬取数据,可能导致内容残缺以及引用失效等问题,影响阅读,请认准原创网址: https://www.cnblogs.com/lv-anchoret/category/1368696.html 我们这节主要讲把之前的概率密度做混合,以得到更好的效果 我们上一篇以前经常用关于cos函数的pdf,上一节用的是与光源采样相关的pdf,那么,我们把两者结合到一起,协调它们之间的比例,我们就可以得到一个有着两种概率密度模型的pdf,这往往是更贴近生活的,那么我们今天就来学…
 Preface 往后看了几章,对这本书有了新的理解 上一篇,我们第一次尝试把MC积分运用到了Lambertian材质中,当然,第一次尝试是失败的,作者发现它的渲染效果和现实有些出入,所以结尾处声明要通过实践,改进当前的效果 于是乎,就有了后面的章节,几乎整本书都在讲,如何一步一步地改进上一篇的画质,使其更加符合现实,上一篇其实是抛砖引玉 这本书的小标题名为the rest of your life 通过前面几章,我们可以更好地理解这句话:我们通过MC积分优化效果,采用的是pdf函数,之前说过,…
我们来整理一下项目的代码 目录 ----include --hit --texture --material ----RTdef.hpp ----ray.hpp ----camera.hpp ----main.cpp 3D泛型数学库中的randomfunc.hpp增加了新内容 #pragma once #include <lvgm\type_vec\type_vec.h> #include <random> namespace lvgm { //@brief: create a r…
http://journals.ecs.soton.ac.uk/java/tutorial/native1.1/implementing/method.html Calling Java Methods This section illustrates how you can call Java methods from native methods. Our example program, Callbacks.java, invokes a native method. The native…
问题描述 经过如何排查应用程序网关返回 HTTP Code 502 或客户端得到应用程序网关响应慢的问题(一)中的排查步骤,可以判断出是由于 Web 服务器自身问题导致的响应异常. 那么可以在 IIS 中开启 failed request tracing (以下以 FRT 代称) 功能来跟踪并分析此响应异常的原因. 具体步骤参考如下(本文以 Windows Server 2012 为例): 在系统管理工具中开启 FRT. 开启后,可以在 IIS manager 中对应的 sites 的面板中看到…
Godoc: documenting Go code  编写良好的文档关于godoc 31 March 2011 The Go project takes documentation seriously. Documentation is a huge part of making software accessible and maintainable. Of course it must be well-written and accurate, but it also must be ea…
Organizing Go code 16 August 2012 Introduction Go code is organized differently to that of other languages. This post discusses how to name and package the elements of your Go program to best serve its users. Choose good names The names you choose af…
http://clrprofiler.codeplex.com/ http://blogs.msdn.com/b/davbr/archive/2012/11/19/clrprofiler-4-5-released-includes-windows-store-app-support.aspx Rewrite MSIL Code on the Fly with the .NET Framework Profiling API Aleksandr Mikunov This article assum…
转自: http://aredko.blogspot.com/2014/02/knowing-how-all-your-components-work.html In today's post we will try to cover very interesting and important topic: distributed system tracing. What it practically means is that we will try to trace the request…
1. 前言 本教程涉及的ffmpeg, x264, x265 2. 环境依赖 2.1 删除系统中安装的ffmpeg等库 sudo apt-get --purge remove ffmpeg mplayer x264 x265 2.2 安装依赖库 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y --force-yes install autoconf automake build-essential libass-dev libfreetype6-dev libgpac-d…
待翻译,原文地址:http://mattwarren.org/2017/02/07/The-68-things-the-CLR-does-before-executing-a-single-line-of-your-code/ Because the CLR is a managed environment there are several components within the runtime that need to be initialised before any of your…
The Linux tracing APIs are a relatively new addition to the kernel and one of the most powerful new features its gained in a long time. Unfortunately the plethora of terms and names for the system can be confusing, so in this follow-up to my previous…
http://fit.c2.com/fit/files/LispPlatform/lisp/clisp-2.28/src/errwin32.d # Calls a function, passing it information about a Win32 error code. # get_OS_error_info(errcode,func); # > errcode: error code # > func: will be called with name and msg (if av…