转自:http://shanzhizi.blog.51cto.com/5066308/942970 本文是一篇译文,来自:http://blog.csdn.net/jjqtony/article/details/1555965 本文翻译自"Manipulating C++ Graph Data Structures with the Boost Graph Library",原文请见: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=673…
Needed to compute max flow in a project and found the official document of BGL to be rather obscure, hence record some materials which I think can help to understand this library a little better: This is the official book of boost. The explanation is…
Boost Graph provides tools to work with graphs. Graphas are two-dimensional point clouds with any number of lines between ponts. Vertices and Edges 1 adjacency_list #include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp> #include <iostream> int main() { boo…
B. Mr. Kitayuta's Colorful Graph -> Link <- 题目链接在上面,题目比较长,就不贴出来了,不过这是道很好的题,很多方法都可以做,真心邀请去A了这道题: 题意:n个顶点m条边的无向图,每输入的两个点之间可能有多种颜色连接在一起,然后查询时每输入两个点,问这两个点之间有多少条连接方式: 如图: 1代表红色,2代表蓝色,3代表绿色: 这样3和4之间就是用绿色连接在一起的,他们之间只有一种连接方式,而2和3之间就有两种连接方式了,1和3只有一种(…