(转) Resource file and Source file】的更多相关文章

基本上是这样的,Sourcefile文件夹里面放的是CPP文件这些,Resourcefile文件夹是资源文件夹,里面可以放你程序里需要的资源,包括图标,对话框,图片等等:对应的文件如下: Source Files - *.c,  *.cppHeader Files - *.hResource Files - *.ico, *.bmp, ...…
Sometimes when you intall vmwaretools there will be some problems such as "Unable to copy the source file ./installer/services.sh to the destination file /etc/vmware-tools." I tell you how to solves it. At beginning I want find solved ways on In…
调试问题: Can't find a source file at "/tmp/TI_MKLIB6sLCzz/SRC/exit.c" Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location 解决:来自ECLIPSE的WIKI: http://wiki.eclipse.org/CDT/User/FAQ#Debugging_C.2FC.2B.2B_Projects DETAIL: I'm using cy…
http://tech.ddvip.com/2014-09/1411618782213496.html Eclipse CDT调试C++, 使用的Unix的调试器GDB; 由于在Unix下, 文件的目录格式使用的是"/", 但是在Windows下, 文件的目录格式使用的是"", 在C/C++中是转义字符; 所以导致GDB由Unix移植到Windows下, 使用的文件目录会发生转义错误, 从而找不到源文件, 即无源文件命名(No source file named);…
实际情况是: .h文件一直报错source file is not valid utf-8的错误, 原因就是: 文件中出现了一个中文的“:”导致的.总结就是:如出现此类错误,可能是字符不够标准.…
执行以下代码,生成唯一的UID $fp = popen("/xxx/bin/tools/uuidgen system", "r");// $uid = fread($fp, 40960); pclose($uid); 问题:返回结果$uid为空.实际上执行popen函数后能够返回内容 resource(39) of type (stream). resource popen ( string $command , string $mode ) 参数:$command…
本文转自:http://www.nopcommerce.com/boards/t/33637/4-errors.aspx 问题: The 3.5 solution compiles fine, and Nop.Web also compile fine, however when I try to publish to a local folder I get these four errors Error  1 Could not load file or assembly 'file:///…
1.疑惑: 程序运行起来的时候日志总是显示下面这个错误,但是不影响程序的正常进行,我是用真机来测试的,android4.4.4(API17). 02-11 14:55:03.629 15525-15525/? E/cutils: to chown(/mnt/shell/emulated/0, 0, 0) 02-11 14:55:03.629 15525-15525/? E/cutils: to chown(/mnt/shell/emulated/obb, 0, 0) 02-11 14:55:03…
1.疑惑: 程序运行起来的时候日志总是显示下面这个错误,但是不影响程序的正常进行,我是用真机来测试的,android4.4.4(API17). 02-11 14:55:03.629 15525-15525/? E/cutils: to chown(/mnt/shell/emulated/0, 0, 0) 02-11 14:55:03.629 15525-15525/? E/cutils: to chown(/mnt/shell/emulated/obb, 0, 0) 02-11 14:55:03…
打包/opt/ros 打包项目文件install 到一台没有安装ros环境的机器上启动项目 source ros/indigo/setup.bash source install/setup.bash macname@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ roslaunch blackrospack: error : cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Traceback (most recent call last)…