View Based Authorization¶ 基于视图的授权 44 of 46 people found this helpful Often a developer will want to show, hide or otherwise modify a UI based on the current user identity. You can access the authorization service within MVC views via dependency injec…
Custom Policy-Based Authorization¶ 基于自定义策略的授权 98 of 108 people found this helpful Underneath the covers the role authorization and claims authorization make use of a requirement, a handler for the requirement and a pre-configured policy. These buildi…
说明:翻译本不是我应该做的,由于我的英语水平实在太差.但由于对YII的兴趣.所以也做一点.同一时候也能显示出我的胆量还是有的...希望不误导您. 由于这里MD语法的内容显示不全.您能够去这里看看. Authorization 授权 Note: This section is under development. 注意:这一节还在完好中. Authorization is the process of verifying that a user has enough permission to d…
ASP.NET MVC 不像 ASP.NET WEB FORMS 那样提供了很多自动保护机制来保护页面不受恶意用户的攻击,更明确的说,后者是致力于使应用程序免受攻击: 服务器组件对显示的值和特性进行 HTML 编码,以帮助阻止 XSS 攻击. 加密和验证试图状态,从而帮助阻止篡改提交的表单. 请求验证(%@page validaterequest="true"%)截获看起来是恶意的数据,并给出警告(也是 ASP.NET MVC 框架默认开启的保护). 事件验证帮助组织注入…
0 目录 认证授权系列: 1 什么是OIDC? 看一下官方的介绍( OpenID Connect 1.0 is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. It allows Clients to verify the identity of the End-Use…
1 什么是OIDC? 看一下官方的介绍( OpenID Connect 1.0 is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. It allows Clients to verify the identity of the End-User based on the authentication performed by an Authorization Server…