C/C++中动态开辟一维.二维数组是非常常用的,以前没记住,做题时怎么也想不起来,现在好好整理一下. C++中有三种方法来动态申请多维数组 (1)C中的malloc/free (2)C++中的new/delete (3)STL容器中的vector 下面逐一介绍: 第一种:malloc/free 1.动态开辟一维数组 //动态开辟一维数组 void dynamicCreate1Array() { int m; int i; int *p; printf("请输入开辟的数组长度:"); s…
type TComplex = record Real : Single; Imag : Single; end; TKArray=array [1..2048,1..2048] of TComplex; varlcArr:TKArray;lcC:Integer; lcArr2:Array of Array of TComplex;beginMemo1.Lines.Clear;Memo1.Lines.Add('TKArray [2048 x 2048]:');lcC:=SizeOf(lcArr)…
传送门 15. 3Sum My Submissions Question Total Accepted: 108534 Total Submissions: 584814 Difficulty: Medium Given an array S of n integers, are there elements a, b, c in S such that a + b + c = 0? Find all unique triplets in the array which gives the su…