extract a page from a multiple pages pdf 1 extract a page from a multiple pages pdf use pdftk package type the following commands     $ pdftk full-pages.pdf cat 1 output outfile_1.pdf in the above command, input file is full-pages.pdf, you extract pa…
Wed Jun 27 2018 09:25:43 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间) Page 注册错误,Please do not register multiple Pages in undefined.js.这个报错让我纠结了好久,找了好一会.可惜小程序的报错提示不大友好,刚好脑阔疼的时候遇上微信开发工具更新的提示,于是乎我愉快的进行了安装更新,期盼睡一觉明早一醒来能够解决问题.结果还真是睡醒解决问题哈哈哈,现在就来总结下排查的几种方法,以下几种情况都是容易引发这个报错的原因.不过我其实主…
ubuntu notes Table of Contents 1. backup data 2. Basics Ubuntu 3. Install, uninstall packages 4. Basic Unix 5. Glossary 6. FAQ 6.1. sudo: unable to resolve host 6.2. check packages installed 6.3. Ubuntu on lenovo ideapad 100s 6.3.1…
In this tutorial, you learn how to create a common page layout for multiple pages in your application by taking advantage of view master pages. You can use a view master page, for example, to define a two-column page layout and use the two-column lay…
I have found two primary libraries for programmatically manipulating PDF files;  PdfBox and iText. These are both Java libraries, but I needed something I could use with C#. Well, as it turns out there is an implementation of each of these libraries…
安装 pip install pdfminer 爬取数据是数据分析项目的第一个阶段,有的加密成pdf格式的文件,下载后需要解析,使用pdfminer工具. 先介绍一下什么是pdfminer 下面是官方一段英文介绍: PDFMiner is a tool for extracting information from PDF documents. Unlike other PDF-related tools, it focuses entirely on getting and analyzing…
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # vim: sw=4:expandtab:foldmethod=marker # # Copyright (c) 2006, Mathieu Fenniak # Copyright (c) 2007, Ashish Kulkarni <kulkarni.ashish@gmail.com> # # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary form…
sklearn实战-乳腺癌细胞数据挖掘(博主亲自录制视频) https://study.163.com/course/introduction.htm?courseId=1005269003&utm_campaign=commission&utm_source=cp-400000000398149&utm_medium=share Introduction Web scraping, often called web crawling or web spidering, or “p…
Python提供了众多的PDF支持库,本文是在Python3环境下,试用了两个库来完成PDF的生成的功能.PyPDF对于读取PDF支持较好,但是没找到生成多层PDF的方法.Reportlab看起来更成熟,能够利用Canvas很方便的生成多层PDF,这样就能够实现图片扫描上来的内容也可以进行内容搜索的目标. Reportlab 生成双层PDF 双层PDF应用PDF中的Canvas概念,先画文字,最后将图片画上去,这样就是两层的PDF. import os # import urllib2 impo…
1. PDF概要 1.1. 图像模型 PDF能以平台无关.高效率的方式描叙复杂的文字.图形.排版. PDF 用图像模型来实现设备无关. 图像模型同意应用程序以抽象对象描叙文字.图像.图标.而不是通过详细的像素点. 把描写叙述抽象对象的语言称作"页描写叙述语言". PDF文档中存储都是以"页描写叙述语言"表示的各种抽象对象. 要把PDF文档输出到详细设备上,产生详细像素点,须要有个翻译软件,把抽象对象渲染到详细输出设备上,称这个"翻译软件"为&qu…
PDF Page Coordinates (page size, field placement, etc.) AcroForm, Basics, Automation Page coordinates are used to add fields and annotations to a page, move fields and annotations, resize page boundries, locate words on a page, and for any other oper…
初步熟悉 安装 pip install pypdf2 合并并添加书签 #!/usr/bin/env python3.5 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2019/12/1 下午3:42 # @Author : yon # @Email : xxx@qq.com # @File : tt.py import os , os.path from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter import time # imp…
所用技术 1. python编程基础 2. 使用pyPdf 3. 使用python操作word 4. 正则表达式的使用 5. windows的bat编程 下面是一个pyPdf库使用的示例: from pyPdf import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader output = PdfFileWriter() input1 = PdfFileReader(file("document1.pdf", "rb")) # add page 1 fro…
http://www.raywenderlich.com/10518/how-to-use-uiscrollview-to-scroll-and-zoom-content Getting Started Fire up Xcode and create a new project with the iOS\Application\Single View Application template. Enter ScrollViews for the product name, enter the…
Hi,  Can you tell me the differences between subpage and secondary  page and when to use which ? I need to display about 100 fields  of our custom interface record on 4 different pages or tabs (I  want the look just like the page with 3 tabs of "Work…
原文地址:Create/Read Advance PDF Report using iTextSharp in C# .NET: Part I    By Debopam Pal, 27 Nov 2013 到PDF原文介绍了iTextSharp这个类库,并演示了一些基本的操作,基本属于入门级别的,可惜作者并没有在编写后续的文章. 恰好自己也在学习这个类库,想实现一个导出ASPX页面到PDF的功能,如作者所说,网上找到的示例好多都是针对旧版本iTextSharp编写的,还有些驴唇不对马嘴,而且,很…
档 ID 420787.1 White Paper Oracle Applications Multiple Organizations Access Control for Custom Code Checked for relevance on 12-JAN-2011 See Change Record This document discusses how to update the customization code that is affected by the access con…
该文由小居工作室(QQ:2482052910)    翻译并提供解答支持,原文地址:Pdf File Writer 中文应用(PDF文件编写器C#类库):http://www.cnblogs.com/wjs5943283/p/6528853.html 首先 Pdf File Writer  是一个很好用的PDF文件生成工具,由于作者对中文编码不熟悉,涉及到中文字体的输出会发生异常,经过本人多次测试,仿宋.黑体字体的中文还比较好,不容易发生异常.宋体测试很多次都没有成功,包括咨询了作者本人也没有得…
目的 因为公司是做医疗相关软件的,所以经常和文档打交道,其中就包含了Pdf.医院的Pdf(通常是他们的报告)都千奇百怪,而我们一直以来都是在用一些免费且可能已经没人维护了的组件来处理Pdf,所以就经常出现Pdf转乱码,甚至直接异常的情况.跟公司管理层反应了很久,终于答应掏腰包采购一款Pdf的处理组件,并且交由我来预研.稍微调查了一下后,最终商业组件选中了 Aspose,Spire还有Leadtool这三家公司的产品,另外由于iTextSharp作为开源的Pdf处理组件太有名,所以我也把它的重写版…
/// <summary> /// 将源路径下的PDF合并至目标路径下 /// </summary> /// <param name="SourcePath">源路径</param> /// <param name="TargetPath">目标路径</param> /// <param name="NewFileName">新文件名</param>…
使用项目符号和编号,可以让文档的层次结构更清晰.更有条理,也更容易突出重点.在编辑文档的过程中,我个人也比较偏爱项目标号来标注文章重点信息.在之前的文章中,介绍了如何在Word中来创建项目标号和编号列表,在本篇文章中,将介绍创建PDF项目符号列表和多级编号列表的方法. 借助工具:Spire.PDF.dll PS:dll可以直接在安装路径下的Bin文件夹中获取. 1.创建PDF符号列表 C# using System; using System.Drawing; using Spire.Pdf;…
0. 1.参考 Python 爬虫:把廖雪峰教程转换成 PDF 电子书 https://github.com/lzjun567/crawler_html2pdf wkhtmltopdf 就是一个非常好的工具,它可以用适用于多平台的 html 到 pdf 的转换,pdfkit 是 wkhtmltopdf 的Python封装包. https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/# 也可以通过 BeautifulSoup 插入删除tag so…
前面学习了解析PDF文档,并写入文档的知识,那篇文章的名字为深入学习Python解析并读取PDF文件内容的方法. 链接如下:https://www.cnblogs.com/wj-1314/p/9429816.html 但是最近出现了一个新问题,就是上面使用pdfminer这个库只能解析正常的PDF内容,然而在实际情况中,公司的一些文档可能是加密的,那么如何处理加密的PDF文件,就是本文学习的重点. 在网上查找资料,发现pypdf2可以实现对pdf文件进行加密,解密,所以就学习了一下这个库,并留下…
SharePoint uses templates to define and render the pages that a site displays. The structure of a SharePoint page includes three main elements: Master pages define the shared framing elements—the chrome—for all pages in your site. Page layouts define…
In the last years a lot of data has been released publicly in different formats, but sometimes the data we're interested in are still inside the HTML of a web page: let's see how to get those data. One of the existing packages for doing this job is t…
The prioritization of large memory page mapping is a function of the access bits in the L1 page table. In a first phase of operation, the number of set access bits in each of the L1 page tables is counted periodically and a current count value is cal…
最近在整理项目中用到的插件或者使用心得,感觉还是写成博客,能加深新一层的理解. 我先说一下我的需求:由于java后台编译的文件流在手机端加载速度太慢,所以想着可以在前端解析,放在页面展示给用户. 所以,我需要后台传给我的是base64编码的pdf文件.我们知道,单纯靠base64解析pdf文件是解析不了的.所以需要引入另一个pdf解析文件--pdf.js 具体的使用方法大家可以看源码:https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/ 我试着按源码一步一步的操作的,但发现将bui…
BACKGROUND Malicious code, known as malware, which includes viruses, worms, adware, etc., may attack core components of the operating system to compromise key applications, including critical applications that operate in the operating system kernel,…
Embodiments of the invention are generally directed to systems, methods, and apparatuses for linear to physical address translation with support for page attributes. In some embodiments, a system receives an instruction to translate a memory pointer…