Lingo (Spring Remoting) : Passing client credentials to the server Spring Remoting allows you to export a service interface which a remote client then then look up. Once the rem… Asynchronous calls and remote callbacks using Lingo Spring Remoting As mentioned in my previous blog entry, Lingo is the only Spring Remoting implementation that supports asyn…
LZ看到这篇文章感觉写得比较详细,理解以后,便转载到自己博客中,留作以后回顾学习用,喝水不忘挖井人,内容来自于李刚的博客: 一.前言: 我们知道Eureka分为两部分,Eureka Server和Eureka Client.Eureka Server充当注册中心的角色,Eureka Client相对于Eureka Server来说是客户端,需要将自身信息注册到注册中心.本文主要介绍的就是在Eureka Client注册到E…
原文地址: Concept Overview Spring provides four ways to develop remote services. Remote services are services hosted on remote servers and accessed by clients over the network. For examp…
原文地址: Concept Overview In the earlier articles we saw an introduction to spring remoting and its support for RMI, Hessian and Burlap. In this tutorial we look at one more su…
原文地址: Concept Overview In the earlier tutorials we saw an introduction to Spring remoting and its support for RMI and Hessian. In this tutorial we look at another remoting protoco…
原文地址: Concept Overview The previous tutorial presents an overview of spring remoting and lists down various remoting protocols supported by Spring. In this tutorial we look at Sp…
OAuth真是一个复杂的东东,即使你把OAuth规范倒背如流,在具体实现时也会无从下手.因此,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth应运而生(它的实现代码在Katana项目中),帮助开发者偷了不少工,减了不少料. 这篇博文试图通过一个简单的示例分享一下如何基于Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth,使用Client Credentials Grant授权方式给客户端发放access token. Client Credentials Grant的授权方式就…
Client Credentials Grant是指直接由Client向Authorization Server请求access token,无需用户(Resource Owner)的授权.比如我们提供OpenAPI让大家可以获取园子首页最新随笔,只需验证一下Client是否有权限调用该API,不需要用户的授权.而如果Client需要进行发布博客的操作,就需要用户的授权,这时就要采用Authorization Code Grant. DotNetOpenAuth是当前做得做好的基于.NET的OA…
适应范围 采用Client Credentials方式,即应用公钥.密钥方式获取Access Token,适用于任何类型应用,但通过它所获取的Access Token只能用于访问与用户无关的Open API,并且需要开发者提前向开放平台申请,成功对接后方能使用.认证服务器不提供像用户数据这样的重要资源,仅仅是有限的只读资源或者一些开放的 API.例如使用了第三方的静态文件服务,如Google Storage或Amazon S3.这样,你的应用需要通过外部API调用并以应用本身而不是单个用户的身份…