How to class-dump iPad apps?】的更多相关文章

源码: UPDATE: The example project has been updated to work with iOS5. If you are distributing an iPhone or iPad app you may be giving away more than you realize. Resources that you embed in your applicat… The issue here is that the binary you obtained has been signed and encrypted to be used on the App Store. In order to class dump or disassemble it you will need to obtain an unenc…
原文摘自Smashing Magazine<A Dad’s Plea To Developers of iPad Apps For Children> 我花了很长时间为孩子购买和测试iPad应用.具体点说,我很愿意为我两岁的宝贝女儿做这件事情,即便她已经成功霸占了我的iPad.通过这段时间的观察研究,我也摸索出了什么对我女儿很有效,所以我就总结了四个基本规范,希望能够给予开发者些许启发. 1. 功能可见是王道 大多数幼儿类应用展示了一系列不同事物,你可以点击触发一些动作.母牛哞哞叫,窗口打开或…
1. MVC and Introduction to Objective-C (September 27, 2011) - HD 2. My First iOS App (September 29, 2011) - HDDebugger (September 30, 2011) - HD 3. Objective-C (October 4, 2011) - HD 4. Views (October 6, 2011) - HD 5. Protocols and Gestures (October…
[it-ebooks]电子书列表   [2014]: Learning Objective-C by Developing iPhone Games || Leverage Xcode and Objective-C to develop iPhone games Web App Development || Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques http:…
一.微数据是? 一个页面的内容,例如人物.事件或评论不仅要给用户看,还要让机器可识别.而目前机器智能程度有限,要让其知会特定内容含义,我们需要使用规定的标签.属性名以及特定用法等.举个简单例子,我们使用<h1>标签包裹页面标题信息就是为了让机器识别(搜索引擎 – SEO). 而微数据是什么呢?在我看来,微数据也是为了方便机器识别而产生的东西.其有特定的规范,有特定的格式.可以丰富搜索引擎的网页摘要. 先来看看比较官方的解释:HTML5 微数据规范是一种标记内容以描述特定类型的信息,例如评论.人… It was not p…
View Controller Basics   视图控制器基础 Apps running on iOS–based devices have a limited amount of screen space for displaying content and therefore must be creative in how they present information to the user. Apps that have lots of information to display… awesome-objc-frameworks ID Framework Images 1 AFNetworking/AFNetworking 19,058 A delightful iOS and OS X networking framework 2 rs/SDWebImage 10,139 Asynchronous image downloade…
<放飞App:移动产品经理实战指南> 基本信息 原书名:App savvy:rurning ideas into iPhone and iPad Apps customers really want 作者: (美)Ken Yarmosh 译者: 鞠玮婕 邓力 丛书名: 图灵程序设计丛书 出版社:人民邮电出版社 ISBN:9787115322913 上架时间:2013-6-24 出版日期:2013 年7月 开本:16开 页码:1 版次:1-1 所属分类:计算机 更多关于 >>>…