python 3 mysql sql逻辑查询语句执行顺序 一 .SELECT语句关键字的定义顺序 SELECT DISTINCT <select_list> FROM <left_table> <join_type> JOIN <right_table> ON <join_condition> WHERE <where_condition> GROUP BY <group_by_list> HAVING <havin…
--去重查询 distinct select distinct gander from student; --逻辑查询 and or not --查询18-28之间的数据 select *from student age>18 and age<28; --查询age大于18的女性 select *from student age>18 and name="lady"; --多条件查询 select * from student where age>10 and…
一 SELECT语句关键字的定义顺序 SELECT DISTINCT <select_list> FROM <left_table> <join_type> JOIN <right_table> ON <join_condition> WHERE <where_condition> GROUP BY <group_by_list> HAVING <having_condition> ORDER BY <o…
一 SELECT语句关键字的定义顺序 SELECT DISTINCT <select_list> FROM <left_table> <join_type> JOIN <right_table> ON <join_condition> WHERE <where_condition> GROUP BY <group_by_list> HAVING <having_condition> ORDER BY <o…
一 SELECT语句关键字的定义顺序 SELECT DISTINCT <select_list> FROM <left_table> <join_type> JOIN <right_table> ON <join_condition> WHERE <where_condition> GROUP BY <group_by_list> HAVING <having_condition> ORDER BY <o…
mysql第四篇--SQL逻辑查询语句执行顺序 一.SQL语句定义顺序 SELECT DISTINCT <select_list> FROM <left_table> <join_type> JOIN <right_table> ON <join_condition> WHERE <where_condition> GROUP BY <group_by_list> HAVING <having_condition&g…
一 SELECT语句关键字的定义顺序 SELECT DISTINCT <select_list> FROM <left_table> <join_type> JOIN <right_table> ON <join_condition> WHERE <where_condition> GROUP BY <group_by_list> HAVING <having_condition> ORDER BY <o…
一. 关键字的执行优先级(重点) from where group by having # 使用是要放在group by 后面而且前面必须有group by select distinct # 去重 要放在字段的前面,而且字段只能有一个 order by # 排序,默认升序, order by desc 是降序 limit # 后面写多少就显示多少条数 关键字执行优先级 二 . 简单查询 #我们来创建一个员工表,然后对员工表进行一个简单的查询,来看一下效果,下面是员工表的字段 company… 一 SELECT语句关键字的定义顺序 SELECT DISTINCT <select_list> FROM <left_table> <join_type> JOIN <right_table> ON <join_condition> WHERE <where_condition> GROUP BY <group_by…
优化嵌套查询 嵌套查询(子查询)可以使用SELECT语句来创建一个单列的查询结果,然后把这个结果作为过滤条件用在另一个查询中.嵌套查询写起来简单,也容易理解.但是,有时候可以被更有效率的连接(JOIN)替代. 现在假如要找出从来没有在网站中消费的客户,也就是查询在客户customer表中但是不在支付payment表中的客户信息. 嵌套查询: explain select * from customer where customer_id not in (select customer_id fr…
一.SQL语句定义顺序 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SELECT DISTINCT <select_list> FROM <left_table> <join_type> JOIN <right_table> ON <join_condition> WHERE <where_condition> GROUP BY <group_by_list> HAVING <having_condition>…
SELECT语句关键字的定义顺序 SELECT DISTINCT <select_list> FROM <left_table> <join_type> JOIN <right_table> ON <join_condition> WHERE <where_condition> GROUP BY <group_by_list> HAVING <having_condition> ORDER BY <ord…
Some Content From——Egon's Blog 一 准备表 准备表 #建表 create table department( id int, name varchar(20) ); create table employee( id int primary key auto_increment, name varchar(20), sex enum('male','fem…
一 SELECT语句关键字的定义顺序 SELECT DISTINCT <select_list> FROM <left_table> <join_type> JOIN <right_table> ON <join_condition> WHERE <where_condition> GROUP BY <group_by_list> HAVING <having_condition> ORDER BY <o…