/// <summary>   /// Converts a SOAP string to an object   /// </summary>   /// <typeparam name="T">Object type</typeparam>   /// <param name="SOAP">SOAP string</param>   /// <returns>The object…
Web service standards: SOAP, REST, OData, and more So far, we've covered the components of a web service, the messaging format and transport protocols. But in the eye of the developer, the development manager, and the IT professional,the real choice…
REST vs SOAP These information searched from internet most from stackoverflow. Simple explanation about SOAP and REST SOAP - "Simple Object Access Protocol" SOAP is a method of transferring messages, or small amounts of information, over the Int…
SOAP Binding: Difference between Document and RPC Style Web Services 20FLARES Twitter 1Facebook 9Google+ 8LinkedIn 2Email --Filament.io A Tutorial on RPC Vs Document Style WSDL SOAP binding with Example Table of Contents Basics: Document Style Vs RPC…
来源:https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/11878/SOAP-in-NET-Framework SOAP 1.2 in .NET Framework 2.0   This article talks about SOAP 1.2 and a brief description of how to make SOAP 1.2 Web Services in .NET Framework 2.0. Introduction SOAP version 1.2 (…
网上有篇文章,大致这么说的(如下文),最后我采用的wsimport  -XadditionalHeaders的方式. StrikeIron offers two authentication methods for its for-pay web services, a "SOAP Header" authentication method and a "Non-SOAP Header" one (you can see examples of both in th…
from:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms229335.aspx 我们平时在VS.net里引用的那些类库就是从这里来的 The .NET Framework class library is a library of classes, interfaces, and value types that provides access to system functionality and is designed to be the foundat…
http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2001/05/30/optimization.htmlComparing the performance of LinkedLists and ArrayLists (and Vectors) (Page last updated May 2001, Added 2001-06-18, Author Jack Shirazi, Publisher OnJava). Tips: ArrayList is faster than…
转载自http://wuhongyu.iteye.com/blog/807470 WebService是SOA的一种较好的实现方式,它将应用程序的不同功能单元通过中立的契约(独立于硬件平台.操作系统和编程语言)联系起来,使得各种形式的功能单元更好的集成. W3C对他的定义是: A Web service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a netw…
http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapExtension_methods(v=vs.80).aspx SoapExtension.ChainStream 方法: 当在派生类中被重写时,允许 SOAP 扩展访问包含 SOAP 请求或响应的内存缓冲区. 命名空间:System.Web.Services.Protocols 程序集:System.Web.Services(在 system.we…
本文转自:http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/9348/Web-Service-Authentication Download source files - 45.5 KB Introduction This is a simple mechanism to authenticate users to a Web Service, using a Time Token and MD5 Hashing to encrypt password. Backgroun…
While messaging protocols are responsible for message serialization formats,there must be a way to capture the protocols required to communicate between clients and services. In Chapter 1,you worked with WSDL documents,which describe the requirements…
What are Web Services? Web Services are client and server applications that communicate over the World Wide Web's HyperText Transfer Protocol. As described by W3C, web services provide a standard means of interoperating between software applications…
Java™ Platform, Standard Edition 7API Specification This document is the API specification for the Java™ Platform, Standard Edition. See: Description Packages  Package Description java.applet Provides the classes necessary to create an applet and the…
OVERVIEW The Suds web services client is a lightweight soap-based client for python the is licensed under LGPL. Basic features: No class generation Provides an object-like API. Reads wsdl at runtime for encoding/decoding Provides for the following SO…
Beautiful Soup 中文文档 原文 by Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) 翻译 by Richie Yan (richieyan@gmail.com) ###如果有些翻译的不准确或者难以理解,直接看例子吧.### 英文原文点这里 Beautiful Soup 是用Python写的一个HTML/XML的解析器,它可以很好的处理不规范标记并生成剖析树(parse tree). 它提供简单又常用的导航(navigating),搜索以及修改…
An OPC .NET wrapper is a software layer that makes OPC COM servers accessible from a .NET client application.Largely different pieces of software, that can hardly be compared, fit this description and are rightfully called OPC .NET wrappers. This doc…
基于声明的认证方式,其最大特性是可传递(一方面是由授信的Issuer,即claims持有方,发送到你的应用上,注意信任是单向的.例如QQ集成登录,登录成功后,QQ会向你的应用发送claims.另一方面可在Issuer之间传递,例如A公司的AD和B公司的AD之间传递),主要用于第三方认证和单点登陆(For claims-based applications,single sign-on for the web is sometimes called passive federation). A c…
Web Service 通常将业务数据封装在 SOAP 主体或者 SOAP 消息附件中进行传输,这些附件往往采用 Base64 编码二进制方式进行封装,这将大大增加待传输的数据量,消耗比较长的编码时间和传输时间.随着 SOA 以及 Web Service 技术的广泛采用,由于网络带宽,延时的影响以及内存大小的限制,越来越多的应用对 Web Service 附件传输方式以及传输效率提出了更高的要求. 引言 本文对 Web Service 附件技术及其相关开发工具进行了总结,详细介绍了 Web Se…
Disclosed herein is a Residential Gateway (RG) system for home network service. The RG system receives various supplementary services through a Home Network Serving Node (HNSN) that provides home network service. The system includes an Open Service G…
A process performed on a server includes configuring the server to enable script for a Web service to be defined dynamically, where the Web service includes an application program interface (API) for enabling access by, and interaction with, a comput…
有次我们有个项目需要Call 一个 Java 的 web service, Soap包中需要一个 Security Head <soapenv:Header> <wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd"> <w…
在对Web Services进行性能测试时,接触到最多的两个名词就是WSDL和SOAP.利用LoadRunner对Web Services进行调用的时候,也存在两种常用方法,即基于WSDL的[Add Service Call]和基于SOAP的[Import SOAP],在本站中已有两篇文章分别对其进行了详细介绍. 对于不了解Web Services的朋友,可能刚开始的时候会一头雾水,不明白WSDL和SOAP之间的联系,从而难以理解两种测试方法之间的区别. 实际情况是,WSDL与SOAP只是Web…
1. 项目背景 以往我们在开发基于webservice的项目中,我们总习惯于直接使用webservice的一些框架,如Axis,axis2和Xfire等.框架的好处是将webservice所涉及到的soap协议.wsdl以及uddi都封装起来,我们只需要直接调用方法传值并执行请求就可以.但框架也有缺陷,比如axis2要基于java工程,哪怕只是一个简单的功能我们都要搭建一个java web项目去实现它.这样做的后果就是: 1. 占用服务器磁盘资源(一个java web项目至少也要几M); 2.…
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) 默认启用消息日志,WCF使用了在System.Diagnostics名称空间中定义的跟踪机制.在这个跟踪机制中,通过在配置文件中配置跟踪源(Trace Sources)和跟踪侦听器(Trace Listenners来记录跟踪数据. 在WCF中,要启用消息日志,必须在配置文件中(服务端或客户端)添加一个侦听器来侦听源:System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging,并且还需要为 <messagelo…
引子: 关于SOAP其实我一直模模糊糊不太理解,这种模模糊糊的感觉表述起来是这样: 在使用web服务时(功能接口),本来我就可以通过安卓中固有的http类(使用http协议),来发送http请求,并且解析返回的数据(一般是xml或者json),得到我要的结果 为什么还非得多此一举使用soap呢,而且soap自己的介绍也说,它其实没有发明技术,它其实就是http+xml 在安卓中使用soap的方法是:(下载第三方类库),装配一个soap请求体,使用soap包装过的http类,通过http把请求体发…
Hi All, I have posted the SOAPUI and Groovy useful commands that may help you in your testing. Below are the commands collected from various websites and blogs. I have used few of them in my testing and if any commands are wrongly given please commen…
搜集了一些关于webservice.soap.wsdl的基本知识,解决工作中遇到的疑问 一 .什么是webservice(用你的话描述webservice)?在什么时候用webservice(webservice能给我们解决什么样的问题)? 一句话概括:WebService是一种跨编程语言和跨操作系统平台的远程调用技术. 所谓跨编程语言和跨操作平台,就是说服务端程序采用Java编写,客户端程序则可以采用其他编程语言编写,反之亦然!跨操作系统平台则是指服务端程序和客户端程序可以在不同的操作系统上运…
http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/xml/x-sisoap/ 本文对 SOAP 作了一个初步介绍,给出几个简单示例:接着比较 CORBA,DCOM/COM 与 SOAP 的联系与区别:然后浅析 SOAP 简单的理解为 RPC+HTTP+XML 时的运行机制:最后展现 SOAP 的前景. 0 评论: 段智华 (duanzhihua@263.net), 高级软件工程师 2001 年 8 月 01 日 内容 一:为什么需要SOAP? 随着计算机技术的不断发展,现…
接口,强大,简单,交互,跨越平台 下面简单阐述这两大接口思想 一 REST: REST是一种架构风格,其核心是面向资源,REST专门针对网络应用设计和开发方式,以降低开发的复杂性,提高系统的可伸缩性. REST提出设计概念和准则为: 1.网络上的所有事物都可以被抽象为资源(resource) 2.每一个资源都有唯一的资源标识(resource identifier),对资源的操作不会改变这些标识 3.所有的操作都是无状态的 REST简化开发,其架构遵循CRUD原则,该原则告诉我们对于资源(包括网…