Semantic Text Similarity】的更多相关文章

stop word是指像the,is ,are等等方向的词 stemming意思就是将形式化为一样的形式,比如lists,listed,list都可以化为list形式.…
笔记:Bridging the Gap Between Relevance Matching and Semantic Matching for Short Text Similarity Modeling 发表情况:EMNLP2019 发表作者:Jinfeng Rao FaceBook 模型提出:HCAN 摘要: 信息检索(IR)的核心问题是相关性匹配,即通过与用户查询的相关性来对文档进行排名.另一方面,可以将许多NLP问题(例如QA和PI)都可以视为语义匹配的变相问题,语义匹配用于测量两个短…
Awesome-Repositories-for-Text-Modeling repo paper miracleyoo/DPCNN-TextCNN-Pytorch-Inception Deep Pyramid Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Categorization Cheneng/DPCNN Deep Pyramid Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Categorization conv-RNN…
Awesome-Repositories-for-NLI-and-Semantic-Similarity mainly record pytorch implementations for NLI and similarity computing REPOSITORY REFERENCE baidu/SimNet SEVERAL NTSC-Community/awaresome-neural-models-for-semantic-match SEVERAL lanwuwei/SPM_toolk…
Natural Language Processing Tasks and Selected References I've been working on several natural language processing tasks for a long time. One day, I felt like drawing a map of the NLP field where I earn a living. I'm sure I'm not the only person who…
Github 官方网址 NLP-Progress 同时涵盖了传统的NLP任务,如依赖解析和词性标注,和一些新的任务,如阅读理解和自然语言推理.它的不仅为读者提供这些任务的 baseline 和 标准数据集,还记录了这些问题的state-of-the-art. 下面小编简单列举了几个NLP-Progress 记录的任务: Coreference resol…
记录下,有空研究. Fast and Robust Neural Network Joint Models for Statistical Machine Translation ACL2014的论文列表…
小夕从7月份开始收到第一场面试邀请,到9月初基本结束了校招(面够了面够了T_T),深深的意识到今年的对话系统/chatbot方向是真的超级火呀.从微软主打情感计算的小冰,到百度主打智能家庭(与车联网?)的DuerOS和UNIT,到渗透在阿里许多产品的全能型智能客服小蜜,以及腾讯的小微和搜狗的汪仔,更不必说那些大佬坐镇的独角兽公司了,小夕深感以对话为主战场的NLP之风在工业界愈演愈烈,吓得小夕赶紧码了这篇文章. 1. 扫盲 对话的概念很大,从输入形式上分为文本和语音,本文当然只考虑文本.从对话目的…
Page 1Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2017AS IMPLE BUT T OUGH - TO -B EAT B ASELINE FOR S EN -TENCE E MBEDDINGSSanjeev Arora, Yingyu Liang, Tengyu MaPrinceton University{arora,yingyul,tengyu}@cs.princeton.eduA BSTRACTThe success of neural net…
@ CVPR 2015 papers (in nicer format than this) maintained by @karpathy NEW: This year I also embedded the (1,2-gram) tfidf vectors of all papers with t-sne and placed them in an interf…