1. C# Compiler - CSC.exe            csc.exe /out:Program.exe /t:exe /r:MSCorLib.dll Program.cs      This command line tells the C# compiler to emit an executable file called Program.exe (/out:Program.exe). The type of file produced is a Win32 console…
在我们进入章节之前,我们讨论一下生成.打包和部署你的应用程序和应用程序类型必须的步骤.在这章里,我关注的是如何为你的应用程序的用途生成程序集.在第三章,"共享程序集合和强命名程序集",我会涉及你需要了解的高级概念,包括如何生成和使用包含类型的程序集,这些程序集将被多个应用程序共享.在这两章中,我也会讨论管理员可以影响执行应用程序和它的类型的方式. 如今,应用程序由几个类型组成,通常由你和微软创建.此外,有很多组件供应商创建和出售类型,其它公司购买可以减少软件项目开发时间.假如这些类型是…
今天整理一下 assembly, 总感觉第一章 到 第三章 没怎么仔细看, 导致后面作者说前面说过的, 我就心里不舒服, 前面3章很干很涩, 好好啃啃, 先作一些简单笔记, 最后再来 整体整理, 反正还要做PPT, 哎 自作孽啊~ 多文件的Assembly 放在Internet 上面下载, Active Accessibility, code base 定义 URL, 多文件assembly 优点. 可以按类型分类文件,按需增量下载文件,分批打包部署. 可以向程序集中添加资源或者数据文件 AL.…
buliding types into a module: response files: the IL disassembler:ILDasm.exe add assemblies to a project by using the visual studio IDE using the assembly Linker:AL.EXE   CSC.EXE assembly vedrsion resource information: version number: culture: simple…
Struts 2工作流程 Struts2是一个基于MVC设计模式的Web开发框架, 正如官网上介绍的那样: ApacheStruts 2 is an elegant, extensible framework for creating enterprise-ready Javaweb applications. The framework is designed to streamline the full developmentcycle, from building, to deployin…
Microsoft Azure - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Azure Microsoft Azure (formerly Windows Azure) /ˈæʒər/ is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services thro…
Apache Struts 2 is an elegant, extensible framework for creating enterprise-ready Java web applications. The framework is designed to streamline the full development cycle, from building, to deploying, to maintaining applications over time. Apache St…
Docker CE for CentOS Docker CE for CentOS distribution is the best way to install the Docker platform on CentOS distribution based Linux environments. Simplify provisioning and setup of Docker and accelerate your time to value in building and deployi…
Docker CE for Ubuntu Docker CE for Ubuntu is the best way to install the Docker platform on Ubuntu Linux environments. Simplify provisioning and setup of Docker and accelerate your time to value in building and deploying container based applications.…
DeployingCustomizations in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 This documentdescribes how to deploy customizations in an Oracle E-Business Suite Release12.2 environment. Follow these instructions to ensure that your customizationsare handled appropr…