PHP json_decode object时报错Cannot use object of type stdClass as array php再调用json_decode从字符串对象生成json对象时,如果使用[]操作符取数据,会得到下面的错误错误:Cannot use object of type stdClass as array 产生原因:$res = json_decode($res);$res['key']; //把 json_decode() 后的对象当作数组使用. 解决方法(2种…
数组的增删改 1.新增一项可以使用concat方法,它不会对原有数组进行改动,而是创建一个新数组 let a = [0, 1, 2] let b = a.concat([3]) console.log(a, b) 2.删除一项对于删除某一项的操作,splice也不能满足要求,因为该方法会改变原有数组,相应地我们应该使用slice,并结合es next 新特性. let array = [1,2,3] const removeIndex = (array, index) => { return […
Fatal error: Cannot use object of type PHPExcel_RichText as array 上传导入Excel的时候会出现此问题,问题的原因是Excel表格中有富文本对象 2个解决思路 一个是在phpexcel获取数据的时候直接给强制转换成字符型 $data[$j][]=(string) $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell("$k$han")->getValue(); 另外一个思路是…, [1, 2, 3]) or { [1, 2, 3] }, default_object) creates an array with an initial size, filled with the default object you specify. Keep in mind that if you mutate any of the nested arrays, you'll mutate all of th…
Learn this from stackflow. public class test { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { int [] a={1,2,3,4,4,4,5,4,4}; int r=GetMajorElement(a); System.out.println(r); } //check the element in the array occurs more than half of the…
Array.from() lets you convert an "iterable" object (AKA an array-like object) to an array. In this lesson, we go over grabbing DOM nodes and turing them into an array so that we can use methods like Array.filter() and Array.forEach()on them. <…