[AngularJS + Webpack] Requiring Templates】的更多相关文章

With Angular, most of the time you're specifying a templateUrl for your directives and states/routes. This means you need to make sure that you're loading in these templates into the $templateCache for your tests and production. Oh, and don't forget…
Making your CSS modular is a difficult thing to do, but using Webpack makes this so much easier. By adding a single line to your Webpack config, you can require you CSS, Stylus, Less, etc. files right from your directives and keep everything together…
direictives/index.js: module.exports = function(ngModule) { //register all the directives here require('./hello')(ngModule); }; directives/hello.js module.exports = function(ngModule) { ngModule.directive('webHello', function() { return { restrict: '…
1. Install webpack & angular: npm install webpack angular 2. Create webpack.config.js file: module.exports = { context: __dirname + '/app', entry: './app.js', output: { path: __dirname + '/build', filename: 'bundle.js' } } The context is: app folder…
Angular requires some careful consideration when uglifying your code because of how angular's dependency injection system works. See how easy it is to add this consideration to your webpack configuration so you can minify your Angular JavaScript with…
Using Angular with webpack makes the production build a breeze. Simply alter your webpack configuration at runtime based on an environment variable, and you're good to go. package.json: "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no…
Install: npm install --save-dev babel-loader webpack.config.js: Add module, tell webpack to find all js file and use babel as loader, exclude all files in node_modules module.exports = { entry: { app: ['./app/index.js'] }, output: { path: './build',…
本文为原创,转载请注明出处: cnzt       文章:cnzt-p http://www.cnblogs.com/zt-blog/p/7779384.html 写在前面: 因为最近总结自己之前做过的东西,所以顺便总结了这一篇,要发布文章时,刚好看到手机推送消息“angular5发布啦”啊哈哈哈哈哈哈.我不管我还是要把关于angular1的这篇文章放上来因为还涉及到webpack呢啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈…… Angularjs+webpack实现模拟微信菜单编辑功能 1       环境配置:An…
model model这个词在AngularJS中,既可以表示一个(比如,一个叫做phones的model,它的值是一个包含多个phone的数组)对象,也可以表示应用中的整个数据模型,这取决于我们所讨论的AngularJS文档中的上下文. 在AngularJS中,一个模型就是AngularJS作用域对象中的任何一个可取的属性.属性的名字就是模型的标示符.它的值可以是任意的Javascript对象(包括数组和原始对象). 将Javascript对象变成模型的唯一要求是这个对象必须是AngularJ…
Controller组件(http://www.angularjs.cn/A00C) 在AngularJS中,控制器是一个Javascript函数(类型/类),用来增强除了根作用域以外的作用域实例的.当你或者AngularJS本身通过scope.$new俩创建一个新的子作用域对象时,有一个选项能让你将它当做参数传递给控制器.这能使AngularjS将控制器和这个作用域联系起来,增强作用域的行为. 控制器用于: 设置好作用域对象的初始状态. 给作用域对象增加行为. 正确使用控制器: 保持控制器职责…