本文首先对文章Intel and AT&T Syntax做一个中英文对照翻译,然后给出一个简单的例子,再用gdb反汇编后,对INTEL与AT&T的汇编语法进行对照从而加深理解. Intel and AT&T syntax Assembly language are very different from each other in appearance, and this will lead to confusion when one first comes across AT&a…
作者:冯老师,华清远见嵌入式学院讲师. 译自“Using as The GNU Assembler January 1994”. 参考Tornado随机文档“GNU Toolkit User's Guide". GNU Assembler 80386 Dependent Features ■ AT&T语法 vs. Intel语法 为了保持和gcc的输出的兼容性,as支持AT&T System V/386汇编语法,它和Intel语法有相当大的差别.强调这个是因为几乎所有的80386…