sklearn实战-乳腺癌细胞数据挖掘(博客主亲自录制视频教程)     # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' python入门/爬虫/人工智能/机器学习/自然语言/数据统计分析视频教程网址 h…
Nice R Code Punning code better since 2013 RSS Blog Archives Guides Modules About Markov Chain Monte Carlo 10 JUNE 2013 This topic doesn’t have much to do with nicer code, but there is probably some overlap in interest. However, some of the topics th…
What is an eigenvector of a covariance matrix? One of the most intuitive explanations of eigenvectors of a covariance matrix is that they are the directions in which the data varies the most. (More precisely, the first eigenvector is the direction in…
原kaggle比赛地址: 原kernel地址:A Data Science Framework: To Achieve 99% Accuracy Step 5: Model Data 数据科学是交叉学科,我们仅仅称他为计算机科学的一部分是有失公正的,它包含了数学,cs,商业管理,统计学等等方向. 机器学习被分为监督学习,无监督学习和强化学习,强化学习是前两者的混合. 算法被归为四类:分类.回归.聚类.降维,此kernel专注于分类与…
Machine Learning Note Introduction Introduction What is Machine Learning? Two definitions of Machine Learning are offered. Arthur Samuel described it as:"the filed of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed…
##Advice for Applying Machine Learning Applying machine learning in practice is not always straightforward. In this module, we share best practices for applying machine learning in practice, and discuss the best ways to evaluate performance of the le…
Liner Regression import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import pylab as pl import numpy as np %matplotlib inline %motib inline %matplotlib作用 是在使用jupyter notebook 或者 jupyter qtconsole的时候,才会经常用到%matplotlib, 而%matplotlib具体作用是当你调用matplotlib.…
OpenCASCADE PCurve of Topological Face Abstract. OpenCASCADE provides a class BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace to build topological faces. A face maybe built from a surface, elementary surface from gp package, surface from Geom, from a wire and…
The Model Complexity Myth (or, Yes You Can Fit Models With More Parameters Than Data Points) An oft-repeated rule of thumb in any sort of statistical model fitting is "you can't fit a model with more parameters than data points". This idea appea…
中国澳门sinox很多平台CAD制图.PCB电路板.IC我知道了.HDL硬件描述语言叙述.电路仿真和设计软件,元素分析表,可打开眼世界. 最近的研究sinox执行windows版protel,powerpcb,autucad,认为非常麻烦.转念一想,sinox以下事实上也有非常多辅助设计软件可用,但是大家并不知道. 于是花了不少时间逐个研究,最终发现sinox以下有非常多功能强大的2d,3d CAD制图软件,pcb电路板. IC集成电路设计软件.以及电子信号仿真模拟软件. 如此也能做到.为何要去…