题目链接:https://nanti.jisuanke.com/t/25985 题目: Description: Goldbach's conjecture is one of the oldest and best-known unsolved problems in number theory and all of mathematics. It states: Every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of…
最近在leetCode上刷提,还是满锻炼人的,为以后面试打基础吧.不多说下面开始. 问题:求[2,n]之间的素数的个数. 来源:leetCode OJ 提示: Let's start with a isPrime function. To determine if a number is prime, we need to check if it is not divisible by any number less than n. The runtime complexity of isPri…
近来刚学JAVA,就从JAVA写起吧,JAVA判别素数,其实方法和C/C++没什么区别,主要就是想谈一下,其中包括的3个点. (1)JAVA语言产生随机数,random函数,定义参数max的作用是给出最大随机数的生成范围,当然也可以产生一组随机数,定义数组mat[],在random中定义int n, int max,n代表生成数组里有几个随机数,max还是生成范围. (2)素数判断.1,2,是素数,给出单独的判断.生成随机数后,根据素数定义,除了1和本事之外没有别的除数,所以从2开始到int…
最近在leetCode上刷提,还是满锻炼人的,为以后面试打基础吧.不多说下面开始. 问题:求[2,n]之间的素数的个数. 来源:leetCode OJ 提示: Let's start with a isPrime function. To determine if a number is prime, we need to check if it is not divisible by any number less than n. The runtime complexity of isPri…