B. Vasya and Isolated Vertices】的更多相关文章

链接 [http://codeforces.com/contest/1065/problem/B] 题意 给你n个点,m条边,让你找最多孤立点和最少孤立点,不能有自环路 分析 对于最少max(0,n-2*m), 然后考虑独立点最多的情况:也就是说我们要考虑使每条边的利用效率最低. 等同于可以这样想:加入每个点,使这个点消耗的边最多,一直添加到没有变剩余为止. 我们可以在新的点加入时,将其连接到所有已经不是独立点的点上,这样就能最多的消耗边. 代码 #include<bits/stdc++.h>…
\(\\\) \(Description\) 求一个\(N\)个点\(M\)条边的无向图,点度为 \(0\) 的点最多和最少的数量. \(N\le 10^5,M\le \frac {N\times (N-1)}{2}\) \(\\\) \(Solution\) 关于最少的数量,注意到一条边会增加两个点度,所以最多能带来 \(2M\) 个点度,最少的零点度点数就是 \(max(N-2M,0)\). 关于最多的数量,要知道 \(N\) 个点的完全图边数是 \(\frac {N\times (N-1)…
题目链接 A. Vasya and Chocolate 题意 已知钱,价格,赠送规则求最多获得巧克力数 思路常规算即可 代码 #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define DBG(x) cerr << #x << " = " << x << endl; using namespace std; typedef long long LL; LL t,s,a,b,c; int main(){ cin >&…
幸好我没有打这场,我VP的时候在C题就卡死了,我果然还是太菜了. A Vasya and Chocolate 题意:一个巧克力\(c\)元,买\(a\)赠\(b\),一共有\(n\)元,问能买几个巧克力. 小学数学题. B Vasya and Isolated Vertices 题意:\(n\)个点\(m\)条边的无向简单图最多和最少有几个不和任意点联通的点. 最少很好算,让每条边连接两个独立的点,答案就是\(n-2m\). 最多的话,就是让联通的点尽量组成完全图,这样消耗的边数最多,枚举有几个…
A. Vasya and Chocolate 模拟题.数据会爆\(int\),要开\(long\) \(long\) #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; int main(){ int T; scanf("%d", &T); while(T--){ LL s, a, b, c; scanf("%lld%lld%lld%l…
Computational Geometry The Geometry Center (UIUC) Computational Geometry Pages (UIUC) Geometry in Action (UIC) Geometric Resource (UFL) CAGD Applets (UKA) Voronoi/Delaunay Applet (CornellUniversity) Directory of Computational Geometry Software (Dr. N…
Problem Statement Bob is going to create a graph with N nodes. The graph will be constructed in two steps. First, Bob will take N isolated vertices, label them 1 through N and color each of them using one of K colors. Then, Bob will add some directed…
Hello everyone! I am your old friend Rikka. Welcome to Xuzhou. This is the first problem, which is a problem about the minimum spanning tree (MST). I promise you all that this should be the easiest problemeasiest problem for most people. A minimum sp…
Problem Statement Hero has just constructed a very specific graph. He started with n isolated vertices, labeled 0 through n-1. For each vertex i Hero then chose a vertex a[i] (other than i) and he added an edge that connected i and a[i]. This way he…
openmesh - src - trimesh delete and add elements openmesh 版本 8.1 About 本文主要介绍openmesh的如下接口 add_vertex add_face delete_vertex delete_edge delete_face delete_isolated_vertices add_vertex 入口代码位于:\src\OpenMesh\Core\Mesh\PolyMeshT.hh.涉及到的源代码如下: template <…
Description Vasya's dad is good in maths. Lately his favorite objects have been "beautiful" directed graphs. Dad calls a graph "beautiful" if all the following conditions are true: The graph contains exactly \(N\) vertices and \(N−1\)…
题目链接:传送门 题目: E. Vasya and a Tree time limit per test seconds memory limit per test megabytes input standard input output standard output Vasya has a tree consisting of n vertices with root . At first all vertices has written on it. Let d(i,j) be the…
Vasya has a tree consisting of n n vertices with root in vertex 1 1 . At first all vertices has 0 0 written on it. Let d(i,j) d(i,j) be the distance between vertices i i and j j , i.e. number of edges in the shortest path from i i to j j . Also, let'…
题面 Vasya has a tree consisting of n vertices with root in vertex 1. At first all vertices has 0 written on it. Let d(i,j) be the distance between vertices i and j, i.e. number of edges in the shortest path from i to j. Also, let's denote k-subtree of…
CodeForces - 1076E Problem Description: Vasya has a tree consisting of n vertices with root in vertex 1. At first all vertices has 0 written on it. Let d(i,j) be the distance between vertices i and j, i.e. number of edges in the shortest path from i…
Time limit: 1.0 second Memory limit: 64 MB Vasya is the beginning mathematician. He decided to make an important contribution to the science and to become famous all over the world. But how can he do that if the most interesting facts such as Pythago…
A. Vasya and Socks time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Vasya has n pairs of socks. In the morning of each day Vasya has to put on a pair of socks before he goes to school. When…
Isolated Storage Explorer is installed in the following location: Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.0\Tools\IsolatedStorageExplorerTool Isolated Storage Explorer has the following syntax: ISETool.exe <cmd[:param]> <target-device…
题目传送门 /* 题意:1~1e9的数字里,各个位数数字相加和为s的个数 递推DP:dp[i][j] 表示i位数字,当前数字和为j的个数 状态转移方程:dp[i][j] += dp[i-1][j-k],为了不出现负数 改为:dp[i][j+k] += dp[i-1][j] */ #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #include <str…
D. Vasya and Chess time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Vasya decided to learn to play chess. Classic chess doesn't seem interesting to him, so he plays his own sort of chess. T…
C. Vasya and Basketball time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Vasya follows a basketball game and marks the distances from which each team makes a throw. He knows that each succe…
题目链接: C. Vasya and String time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output High school student Vasya got a string of length n as a birthday present. This string consists of letters 'a' and '…
Where is Vasya? Vasya stands in line with number of people p (including Vasya), but he doesn't know exactly which position he occupies. He can say that there are no less than b people standing in front of him and no more than apeople standing behind…
Given a Directed Graph and two vertices in it, check whether there is a path from the first given vertex to second. For example, in the following graph, there is a path from vertex 1 to 3. As another example, there is no path from 3 to 0. We can eith…
C. Marina and Vasya Time Limit: 1 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 http://codeforces.com/contest/584/problem/C Description Marina loves strings of the same length and Vasya loves when there is a third string, different from them in exactly t characters.…
A. Vasya the Hipster Time Limit: 1 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 http://codeforces.com/contest/581/problem/A Description One day Vasya the Hipster decided to count how many socks he had. It turned out that he had a red socks and b blue socks. Accordi…
C. Vasya and Petya's Game Time Limit: 1 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 http://codeforces.com/contest/577/problem/C Description Vasya and Petya are playing a simple game. Vasya thought of number x between 1 and n, and Petya tries to guess the number. P…
Vasya is studying in the last class of school and soon he will take exams. He decided to study polynomials. Polynomial is a function P(x) = a0 + a1x1 + ... + anxn. Numbers ai are called coefficients of a polynomial, non-negative integer n is called a…
E. Close Vertices You've got a weighted tree, consisting of n vertices. Each edge has a non-negative weight. The length of the path between any two vertices of the tree is the number of edges in the path. The weight of the path is the total weight of…
One day Vasya the Hipster decided to count how many socks he had. It turned out that he had a red socks and b blue socks. According to the latest fashion, hipsters should wear the socks of different colors: a red one on the left foot, a blue one on t…