Original Tango programmer is a new generation of transponder programmer which is developed to cover, read, write and generate the latest transponders used in the latest vehicle immobilizer technologies. New function for reading the Kilometers, VIN an…
BeeHive204 Very fast universal 4x 48-pindrive concurrent multiprogramming system with ISP capability BeeProg2 Very fast universal 48-pindrive Programmer with USB/LPT interface and ISP capability BeeProg2C Very fast universal 48-pindrive Programmer wi…
I was thinking about buying a Digiprog3 clone from China I know that YANHUA Digiprog 3 is the best and the latest version is 4.94, but do not know where to buy. Also I was wondering should I buy 4.94 directly from the Chinese sellers, or buy a 4.88 a…
COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE DESIGNING FOR PERFORMANCE NINTH EDITION Operating System Design IssuesFull exploitation of a cluster hardware configuration requires some enhancements to a single-system operating system. FAILURE MANAGEMENT How…
COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE DESIGNING FOR PERFORMANCE NINTH EDITION Hardware-based solutions are generally referred to as cache coherence protocols. These solutions provide dynamic recognition at run time of potential inconsistency conditi…
http://javarevisited.blogspot.sg/2014/05/10-articles-every-programmer-must-read.html Being a Java programmer and Software developer, I have learned a lot from articles titled as What Every Programmer Should Know about ..... , they tend to give a lot…
The following analysis was performed on a S8 data line locator which replied to the hidden SMS command for version query (*3646655*) with: Ver=MTK6261M.T16.17.01.10 build=2017/01/10 17:33 Introduction A while back Joe Fitz tweeted about the S8 data l…
Introduction The attached files provide a port of a combined TBLCF/DSC code to a MC9S08JS16 processor. The primary motivation for this was to produce a single BDM that could be used with a range of Freescale microcontrollers. Other features have also…
Introduction The attached files provide a port of a combined TBDML/OSBDM/TBLCF code to a MC9S08JM16/32/60 processor. The primary motivation for this was to produce a single BDM that could be used with a range of Freescale microcontrollers. Other feat…
Introduction The FRM-xxxx boards from Freescale includes a minimal SWD based debugging interface for ARM Kinetis targets. The interface hardware is simple but flexible enough to be used with a wide range of Kinetis devices. The board includes provisi…