Python的列表就像是一个数组: 一.创建列表 movies=["The Holy Grail","Then Life of Brian","The Meaning of Life"] 这里的movies是一个变量,而且不需要声明变量的类型. 数组是从0开始计数的.如果要访问列表里的数据,可以这样: ['The Holy Grail', 'Then Life of Brian', 'The Meaning of Life'] >>&…
数字 1,加减乘除:+,-,*,/ 2,平方:** 3,立方:**3 4,字符串转换:str(数字) 5,浮点数:带小数点 0.2 Python编程建议 import this >>> import this The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. Complex is…
>>> movies=["The Holy Grail", 1975, "The Life of Brian", 1979, "The Meaning of Life", 1983] >>> for eachMovie in movies: print(eachMovie) 按下两个回车后输出结果如下: The Holy Grail 1975 The Life of Brian 1979 The Meaning…
第一课程:1.Unity类名必须与文件名保持一致2.讲属性设置为public可以在Unity中访问 public float speed; // Use this for initialization void Start () { } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { //获取左右方向键的的值(范围为-1到1) float amtToMove = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") * spe…