
folly/GroupVarint.h folly/GroupVarint.h is an implementation of variable-length encoding for 32- and 64-bit integers using the Group Varint encoding scheme as described in Jeff Dean's WSDM 2009 talk and in Information Retrieval: Implementing and Eval…
group varint 这个是facebook的实现…
原文地址:   阅读目录 学习代码库的一般步骤 folly库的学习心得 总结 回到目录   学习代码库的一般步骤 1) 编译安装:2) 学习doc/manual文档:3) 学习test用例:4) 测试并使用. 回到目录 folly库的学习心得 独立有用的小技巧 Eventfd.h ---- 针对eventfd系统调用的包装器. Foreach.h ---- 伪语句(作为…
folly/ For a high level overview see the README Components Below is a list of (some) Folly components in alphabetical order, along with a brief description of each. Arena.h, ThreadCachedArena.h Simple arena for memory allocation: multiple allocations…