问题所在 我们可以发现这个错误跟protobuf的版本有关,因此我们可以执行script/diagnose_protobuf.py 我们可以看到,pip install protobuf 和 brew install protobuf 的版本不一样导致的 解决办法 更新brew的版本 brew install protobuf@3.4 直接指定版本3.4,根据你的需求作相应的改变 brew link --force --overwrite protobuf@3.4 链接到3.4,因为你的机器上可…
pattern@pattern89:/raid0/workspace/houjun/caffe-ssd$ sudo make all -j8PROTOC src/caffe/proto/caffe.protoCXX src/caffe/layers/softmax_loss_layer.cppCXX src/caffe/layers/power_layer.cppCXX src/caffe/layers/accuracy_layer.cppCXX src/caffe/layers/thresho…
I have installed Apache, PHP, and MySQL on Mac OS X since Leopard. Each time doing so by hand. Each version of Mac OS X having some minor difference. This post serves as much for my own record as to outline how to install Apache, MySQL, and PHP for a…
by Daniel Kehoe Last updated 28 December 2013 How to install Apple Xcode Command Line Tools for Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks. Xcode is a large suite of software development tools and libraries from Apple. The Xcode Command Line Tools are part of XCode. In…
启动Apache 有两种方法: 打开“系统设置偏好(System Preferences)” -> “共享(Sharing)” -> “Web共享(Web Sharing)” 打开“终端(terminal)”,然后 运行“sudo apachectl start”,再输入帐号密码,这样Apache就运行了. 运行“sudo apachectl -v”,你会看到Mac OS X 10.6.3中的Apache版本号: Server version: Apache/2.2.14 (Unix) Ser…
这是一篇超级详细的配置mac os下面php+mysql+apache的文章.非常详细我的大部分配置就是参考上面的内容的,比如,PHP不能连接数据库,就是改一下默认的php.ini中pdo_mysql.default_socket[因为现在都用PDO了嘛.不用mysql的连接库了]因为我是用navicat的,所以对phpmyadmin那一块的配置就不太关心了.不过MCrypt的安装可以参考.原文来自:在Mac OS X中配置Apache + PHP + MySQL内容如下: Mac OS X 内…
subclipse 目前全部转移到github 官方地址 https://github.com/subclipse/subclipse/wiki Eclipse mac版 安装 最新版svn插件subclipse 对环境要求 本开发环境 操作系统 mac OS mojave 10.14.2 Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers. Version: 2018-12 (4.10.0) 在线安装 使用eclipse 里Help菜单的"Install Ne…
I got the following error message when trying to open a network interface for capture using Wireshark on Mac OS X (Wireshark 1.5.1 Intel 64 beta and 1.4.6 Intel 64 show this behaviour): There are no interfaces on which a capture can be done. To solve…
出错提示如下: ERROR Failed to compile with errors :: error in ./src/App.vue Module build failed: Error: No parser and no file path given, couldn't infer a p arser. at normalize (D:\works\:) at formatWithCursor (D:\works\:) at D:\works\node_modules\prettier…
ERROR Failed to compile with 2 errors 12:00:33 error in ./src/App.vue Module build failed: Error: No parser and no file path given, couldn't infer a parser. at normalize (C:\Users\admin\Desktop\222\demo\node_modules\prettier\index.js:7051:13) at form…