官方英文文档原文:https://source.android.com/compatibility/cts-intro.html Compatibility Test Suite 兼容性测试套件 How does the CTS work? CTS是如何工作的? Figure 1. How to use CTS 图1. CTS使用流程 The CTS is an automated testing harness that includes two major software compone…
官方英文文档原文:https://source.android.com/compatibility/cts-intro.html Compatibility Test Suite 兼容性测试套件 How does the CTS work? CTS是如何工作的? Figure 1. How to use CTS 图1. CTS使用流程 The CTS is an automated testing harness that includes two major software componen…
android的多线程在开发中已经有使用过了,想再系统地学习一下,找到了android的官方文档,介绍进程与线程的介绍,试着翻译一下. 原文地址:http://developer.android.com/guide/components/processes-and-threads.html 首先翻译一下GOOGLE的官方文档, Processes and ThreadsWhen an application component starts and the application does no…