English Vocabulary】的更多相关文章

11. English vocabulary 英语词汇量 (1) The exact number of English words is not known.The large dictionaries have over half a million entries,but many of these are compound words(schoolroom,sugarbowl)or different derivatives of the same word,and a good man…
Creative - producing or using original and unusual ideas Computer literate - familiarity with computers and how they work. Flexible - able to change or be changed easily according to the situation Pressure - the act of trying to make someone else do…
本文作者三年间从四级勉强及格到高级口译笔试210,口试232.找工作面试时给其口试的老外考官听了一分钟就说你的英语不用考了.虽不敢说方法一定是最好的,但从现在开始随便谁不要再去找学习资料,每天花两个钟头照说的做,坚持三个月的提高会超过你过去三年. 听: 网上比较有代表性的论坛是普特www.putclub.com上面的听力资源很丰富,沪江www.hjenglish.com和旺旺www.wwenglish.com上一些材料的也很不错,从中间随便挑一个网站坚持即可.但是千万不要一个个都听过来.记住,开…
今天我们来解析下Tensorflow的Seq2Seq的demo.继上篇博客的PTM模型之后,Tensorflow官方也开放了名为translate的demo,这个demo对比之前的PTM要大了很多(首先,空间上就会需要大约20个G,另外差点把我的硬盘给运行死),但是也实用了很多.模型采用了encoder-decoder的框架结果,佐以attention机制来实现论文中的英语法语翻译功能.同时,模型的基础却来自之前的PTM模型.下面,让我们来一起来了解一下这个神奇的系统吧! 论文介绍及基础描写:…
In a busy classroom filled with nearly 20 children, Sabriye Tenberken lectures her pupils to always help others who need it. Norms can be defined as the established standard of behaviour maintained by a society.规范可定义为已建立的由社会维护的行为标准. Spray some insect…
Easy-to-Learn English Travel Phrases and Vocabulary! Share Tweet Share Tagged With: Real Life English Do you love to travel?  Me too!  And when you’re traveling you want to know how to pronounce the necessary vocabulary and phrases, right?  I’ve got…
1.How Do you Feel Now?            形容词  adj.  = adjective                     Describe people and things 2.Don't Do That!                           祈使句                                                Saying your commands and requirements 3.What Would Y…
一.ESL/非母语词典 二.EFL/母语词典 1.American Heritage Dictionary 2.World Book Dictionary 3.Oxford Dictionary of English 4.Oxford English Dictionary 5.Merriam-Websters Unabridged 三.在线词典/Online Dictionary 1.etymonline.com 一部常用的英语词源词典.该词典主要的参考是: Weekley's 「An Etym…
How do you learn English very fast? Every week, I get emails about this topic.   Typically, someone writes and wants to know how they can speak fluently in only 2 or 3 months.  Usually they are in a hurry because they have a test or an interview comi…
If you want to download free English conversations, you’ve come to the right place. This page introduces you to some English-language podcasts. Podcasts are audio conversations you can download for free from the Internet. Contents: English conversati…