ARM Cortex Design Considerations for Debug】的更多相关文章

JTAG was the traditional mechanism for debug connections for ARM7/9 parts, but with the Cortex-M family, ARM introduced the Serial Wire Debug (SWD) Interface. SWD is designed to reduce the pin count required for debug from the 5 used by JTAG (includi…
Introducing swddude I love the ARM Cortex-M series of microcontrollers.   The sheer computational power they pack into a teensy, low-power package is almost embarrassing. But, many Cortex-M parts are small — 4x4 millimeters small — and don’t have the…
Implementation of Serial Wire JTAG flash programming in ARM Cortex M3 Processors The goal of the project was to use the Serial Wire JTAG protocol implemented in the ARM cortex processors for programming the flash memory of it. JTAG was actually imple…
依据前文伏击战场景手稿, 用Tile Studio "草草"制作出该场景的地图: 生成的C源码: #ifndef _open_war_1Gfx_c #define _open_war_1Gfx_c #ifndef _GFX_BITMAP_DATA #define _GFX_BITMAP_DATA /* structure with bitmap data */ typedef struct GFX_BITMAP_DATA { char * BitmapIdentifier; int B…
ARM7 ARM9 ARM Cortex M3 M4 区别 arm7 arm9 可以类比386和奔腾, 不同代,arm9相比arm7指令集和性能都有所增强,arm7和arm9都有带mmu和无mmu的版本,不过大多的arm7都不带,而大多的arm9的都带.所以一般是arm7跑实时操作系统像ucos做简单的控制应用,而arm9跑linux,cortex是更新一代,分高端的A系列和和低端的M系列,来接arm9和arm7的班 一般情况下ARM7 Cortex-M3 Cortex-M4可以认为是一类,M3…
Aurora总结 说明:本文为论文 <Amazon Aurora: Design Considerations for High Throughput Cloud-Native Relational Databases> 的个人理解,难免有理解不到位之处,欢迎交流与指正 . 论文地址:Aurora Paper 本文首先基于 MIT6.824 课程内容介绍 AWS 云数据库的演进过程,接着基于论文内容介绍 Aurora. 0. 简介 Aurora 是一种由 AWS 于 2017 年提出的关系型数…
灵动微电子ARM Cortex M0 MM32F0010 UART1和UART2中断接收数据 目录: 1.MM32F0010UART简介 2.MM32F0010UART特性 3.MM32F0010使用UART2的注意事项 4.MM32F0010UART中断接收的初始化配置 5.MM32F0010UART中断接收函数的编写 6.MM32F0010UART查询方式发送数据函数的编写 7.MM32F0010UART处理接收数据函数的编写 1.MM32F0010UART简介: MM32F0010的通用异…
灵动微电子ARM Cortex M0 MM32F0010 Timer定时器中断定时功能的配置 目录: 1.Timer1高级定时器Timer3通用定时器Timer14基本定时器简介 2.Timer1高级定时器Timer3通用定时器Timer14基本定时器功能特性 3.Timer1高级定时器Timer3通用定时器Timer14基本定时器实现基本定时中断功能的初始化配置 4.Timer1高级定时器Timer3通用定时器Timer14基本定时器实现基本定时中断功能,分别定时1ms/5ms/1s并分别翻转…
灵动微电子ARM Cortex M0 MM32F0010 GPIO的配置 目录: 1.前言 2.学习方法简要说明 3.要点提示 4.注意事项 5.MM32F0010系统时钟的配置 6.MM32F0010的GPIO初始化配置 7.MM32F0010 GPIOA PA7驱动LED灯每隔一秒翻转一次 1.前言: MM32F0010是基于ARM Cortex M0核的32位微控制器(MCU)即32位的单片机,使用库函数开发,每一个片上外设都有与之对应的外设xx.c和xx.h库函数,例如:hal_rcc.…