How to detect the types of executable files】的更多相关文章

How to detect the types of executable files type { IMAGE_DOS_HEADER: DOS .EXE header. } IMAGE_DOS_HEADER = packed record e_magic : Word; // Magic number ("MZ") e_cblp : Word; // Bytes on last page of file e_cp : Word; // Pages in file e_crlc : W…
Files and Directories Introduction     In the previous chapter we coveredthe basic functions that perform I/O. The discussion centered on I/O for regular files-opening a file, and reading or writing a file. We'll now look at additionalfeatures of the…
The Portable Executable File Format from Top to Bottom Randy KathMicrosoft Developer Network Technology Group Created: June 12, 1993 Click to open or copy the files in the EXEVIEW sample application for this technical article. Click to open or copy t…
System startup files When you log in, the shell defines your user environment after reading the initialization files that you have set up. The characteristics of your user environment are defined by the values given to your environment variables. You…
Goal   Solution   References APPLIES TO: Oracle Supplier Lifecycle Management - Version 12.1.2 and laterOracle Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector - Version 12.1.3 and laterOracle Sourcing - Version 11.5.10 and laterOracle Purchasing - Ve…
Files中的工厂 Files类中对InputStream, OutputStream以及Reader,Writer的操作封装了抽象工厂模式,抽象工厂是InputSupplier与OutputSupplier,具体工厂是Files中的newInputStreamSupplier(), newOutputStreamSupplier()等方法 而InputStream, OutputStream以及Reader,Writer则是抽象产品, 他们的各种实现和装饰器包装则为具体产品 Input与Out…
Emacs 版本: CentOS 内核版本:2.6.32-573.el6.x86_64 参考资料: [1] [2] [3] /[Your Emacs Directory]/emacs-24.5/INSTALL 源码安装…
catalog . 引言 . sandbox introduction . Sandboxie . seccomp(short for secure computing mode): API级沙箱 . 利用do_syscall_trace一次性对所有系统调用进行Hook监控 . cuckoo . Detux . remnux . Noriben Malware Analysis Sandbox . Limon Sandbox for Analyzing Linux Malwares . 基于do…
2015-03-06   328   Unusual Data Types    ——You can carry this technique to extremes,putting all the variables in your program into one big,juicy variable and then passingit everywhere.Careful programmers avoid bundling data any more than is logically…
Preface Validating data is a common task that occurs throughout all application layers, from the presentation to the persistence layer. Often the same validation logic is implemented in each layer which is time consuming and error-prone. To avoid dup…