Sometimes you have a CAN equipped processor on a low cost board but it has no CAN transceiver chips. Here is a method that can be used to create a small experimental network with such a board. There will be no noise immunity and you might have to low…
One-wire Demo on the STM32F4 Discovery Board Some of the devs at work were struggling to get their software talking to a Dallas 1-wire device.  I remember doing 1-wire comms back in the 1990s, but I hadn't done any 1-wire lately and all of my old cod…
VGA Output from STM32F4 Discovery board I love the web! There are so many cool projects out there, and some, with a tweak or two, get me where I want to go quickly, saving a ton of time and effort. Case in point: The Artektit page on VGA output using… Determining Network Baud Rate So you found a CAN BUS to reverse engineer, but you don't know it's buad rate. There are a couple to find it out. One. Go one-by-one through a…
我的STM32F4 Discovery上边有一个加速度传感器LIS302DL.在演示工程中,ST的工程师使用这个传感器做了个很令人羡慕的东西:解算开发板的姿态.当开发板倾斜时候,处于最上边的LED点亮,其他LED不亮.同时,用MicroUSB数据线将开发板连接电脑时,开发板就会虚拟成一个鼠标.倾斜开发板时,鼠标指针会向倾斜的方向移动.归根结底,就是牛B的ST工程师用加速度传感器完成了姿态解算. 在开发板上,加速度传感器使用了SPI方式用STM32F4芯片进行通信.STM32F4的SPI1 作为主…
STM32F4 USB Composite CDC + MSC I'm in the process of building a USB composite CDC + MSC device on the STM32F4 Discovery board but am having trouble getting windows to recognise it. Using USBlyzer all the descriptor info seems ok but windows will onl…
In one embodiment, a computing device (e.g., border router or network management server) transmits a discovery message into a computer network, such as in response to a given trigger. In response to the discovery message, the device receives a unicas…
我们需要平台 如果说,SharePoint 的价值之一在于提供了几乎开箱即用的 innovation 环境,那么,智能设备的开发平台也一样.不必每次都从头开始,所以需要固定的工作室和开发平台作为创新的起点,这样就会每次比从零开始"高一点点". 当然,这里不是没有纠结的.平台毕竟不是最终的产品,平台太弱固然难以支撑创新,但平台太强则臃肿和僵化同样也会限制创新:面对成百上千的类型.接口的时候,即使做一个小玩意儿也要学上一年半载,任何人都会畏惧的.有那个时间,不如自己写一个出来了.所以成功的…
1.使用的uTenux内核代码: 2.uTenux的特性: 1.微内核  2.开放源码.完全免费  3.不需要MMU,占用ROM/RAM少   4.可移植.可固化.可裁剪   5.抢占式实时多任务操作系统   6.支持所有32位ARM7/9和Cortex M系列的微控制器   7.可配置任意多个的任务.任务的优先级最多255个 3.实验软硬件环境: OS软件版本:uTexux1.60 开…
本文原创于,非法转载者请自重!   硬件平台:STM32F4 DISCOVERY开发板 型号:MB997A或MB997C主芯片型号:STM32F405xx, STM32F407xx, STM32F415xx, 或 STM32F417xx 主要参考文档: (1)PM0081 STM32F40xxx and STM32F41xxx Flash programming manual.pdf (2)STM32F407 datasheet.p…