ES2019 features & ES-Next】的更多相关文章

ES2019 features & ES-Next Object.fromEntries(), trimStart(), trimEnd(), flat(), flatMap()…
from: Machine Learning : Pre-processing features October 21, 2016 I am participating in this Kaggle competition. It is a prediction problem contest. The problem statement is: How…
Update 10/24/12: If you’d like a new version of this tutorial fully updated for iOS 6 and Xcode 4.5, check out iOS 5 by Tutorials Second Edition! Note from Ray: This is the fourth iOS 5 tutorial in the iOS 5 Feast! This tutorial is a free preview cha…
You can use the #version command as the first line of your shader to specify GLSL version: #version 120 void main() { gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0); } GLSL versions are released alongside GL versions. See the following charts to decide which version you w…
目录 1 创建index(配置mapping[映射]) 2 查看index 3 修改index 4 删除index 5 打开/关闭index 6 常见问题及解决方法 index相当于RDBMS(关系型数据库, 比如MySQL)中的DataBase, type类似于MySQL中的Table. 本篇文章通过Kibana插件, 演示了Elasticsearch的基础语法: 对ES中的索引, 也就是index进行CRUD(增删改查)操作. 1 创建index(配置mapping[映射]) (1) 创建语…
JavaScript has a strange naming history. For its initial release in 1995 as part of Netscape Navigator, Netscape labeled their new language LiveScript, before renaming it to JavaScript a year later, hoping to capitalize on Java’s popularity at the ti…
##################### Elasticsearch Configuration Example ##################### # This file contains an overview of various configuration settings, # targeted at operations staff. Application developers should # consult the guide at <http://elasticse…
相关博文: 搜索引擎ElasticSearchV5.4.2系列一之ES介绍 搜索引擎ElasticSearchV5.4.2系列二之ElasticSearchV5.4.2+kibanaV5.4.2+x-packV5.4.2安装 搜索引擎ElasticSearchV5.4.2系列三之ES使用 Elasticsearch 是一个开源的搜索引擎,建立在一个全文搜索引擎库 Apache Lucene™ 基础之上. Lucene 可能是目前存在的,不论开源还是私有的,拥有最先进,高性能和全功能搜索引擎功能的…
原文: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This article originally appeared on This article…
在讲 ES 2015 新语法之前,先来说一下为什么叫 ES.JavaScript 是这门语言的名称,它有一个为它制定标准化的组织 European Computer Manufacturers Association,直译就是欧洲计算机制造商协会.这个 ECMA 制定的 JavaScript 的实现标准,被称为 ECMAScript,不同组织写出来的 JavaScript 语言都要遵守这个 ECMAScript 标准,所以就简写为 ES+版本号. 这套 ES 标准在2015年之前最高的版本是5.…