P3670 [USACO17OPEN]Bovine Genomics S奶牛基因组(银) 题目描述 Farmer John owns NN cows with spots and NN cows without spots. Having just completed a course in bovine genetics, he is convinced that the spots on his cows are caused by mutations in the bovine genom…
题目 :Bovine Genomics G奶牛基因组 传送门: 洛谷P3667 题目描述 Farmer John owns NN cows with spots and NN cows without spots. Having just completed a course in bovine genetics, he is convinced that the spots on his cows are caused by mutations in the bovine genome. At…
题目描述 After several months of rehearsal, the cows are just about ready to put on their annual dance performance; this year they are performing the famous bovine ballet "Cowpelia". The only aspect of the show that remains to be determined is the s…
P3668 [USACO17OPEN]Modern Art 2 现代艺术2 题目背景 小TY的同学HF也想创作艺术 HF只有一块长条状的画布(画条),所以每一次涂色只能涂上连续几个单位的颜料,同样新的颜料可以完全覆盖旧的颜料 由于他的颜料同样非常傲娇,每次涂完要等上1day才能完全干,只有旧颜料干了以后才能用新颜料覆盖 现在小HF用了2017个年头终于画出了一个大作品,自己非常满意 现在他想复制这份作品 题目描述 Having become bored with standard 2-dimen…
P3671 [USACO17OPEN]Where's Bessie? 贝西在哪呢 题目背景 农夫John正在测试一个他新发明的全自动寻找奶牛无人机,它能够照一张农场的图片然后自动找出奶牛的位置. 不幸的是,这个相机并不包含一个优秀的寻找奶牛函数,所以农夫John需要你来写一个. 农场的俯瞰图被定义为一个n * n的字符矩阵.矩阵由大写字母A到Z组成,每个字母表示一种可行 的颜色.农夫John发现一个可能是奶牛的位置(以下简称PCL)的最好定义如下: 一个PCL是一个矩阵(可能是整张图),矩阵的边…
P3669 [USACO17OPEN]Paired Up 牛牛配对 题目描述 Farmer John finds that his cows are each easier to milk when they have another cow nearby for moral support. He therefore wants to take his MM cows (M \leq 1,000,000,000M≤1,000,000,000, MM even) and partition th…
题目传送门 摩天大楼里的奶牛 题目描述 A little known fact about Bessie and friends is that they love stair climbing races. A better known fact is that cows really don't like going down stairs. So after the cows finish racing to the top of their favorite skyscraper, th…
题目描述 每头奶牛都梦想成为牛棚里的明星.被所有奶牛喜欢的奶牛就是一头明星奶牛.所有奶 牛都是自恋狂,每头奶牛总是喜欢自己的.奶牛之间的“喜欢”是可以传递的——如果A喜 欢B,B喜欢C,那么A也喜欢C.牛栏里共有N 头奶牛,给定一些奶牛之间的爱慕关系,请你 算出有多少头奶牛可以当明星. 输入输出格式 输入格式:  第一行:两个用空格分开的整数:N和M  第二行到第M + 1行:每行两个用空格分开的整数:A和B,表示A喜欢B 输出格式:  第一行:单独一个整数,表示明星奶牛的数量 输入输出样…
P3052 [USACO12MAR]摩天大楼里的奶牛Cows in a Skyscraper 题目描述 A little known fact about Bessie and friends is that they love stair climbing races. A better known fact is that cows really don't like going down stairs. So after the cows finish racing to the top…
题目描述 A little known fact about Bessie and friends is that they love stair climbing races. A better known fact is that cows really don't like going down stairs. So after the cows finish racing to the top of their favorite skyscraper, they had a proble…