In this ‘hands-on’ module we will be building our first web page in no time. We just need to quickly cover a couple of points beforehand to help get our feet on the ground. The three ways you can build a web page 1. Use a pre-made template: WHAT IS A…
Time to build your first HTML page by hand I could go on with more theory and send half of you to sleep (trust me); instead you are now going to actually build your very first web page! One of the best ways to learn something is to actually do it, so…
Tag Diagram You may have noticed that HTML tags come in pairs; HTML has both an opening tag (<tag name>) and a closing tag (</tag name>). The only difference between the opening and closing tags is that the closing tag contains an extra forwar…
Building a RESTful Web Service This guide walks you through the process of creating a "hello world" RESTful web service with Spring. What you’ll build You’ll build a service that will accept HTTP GET requests at: http://localhost:8080/greeting a…
目标 构建一个service,接收如下HTTP GET请求: [plain] view plain copy   http://localhost:8080/greeting 并返回如下JSON格式的问候语: [javascript] view plain copy   {"id":1,"content":"Hello, World!"} 你也可以通过指定查询字符串中的可选参数name来定制问候语: [plain] view plain copy…
解读Web Page Diagnostics网页细分图 Web Page Diagnostics (以下简称WPD),这是LR Analysis中非常重要的一块,搞清楚这部分的内容会让你少走很多弯路,很多环境问题都可以通过它来定位,比如客户端,网络.通过它可以你可以比较好的来定位是环境的问题还是应用本身的问题,当然更重要的是Web页面本身的问题. Web Page Diagnostics:页…
Discuz开源论坛网页细分图结果分析(Web Page Diagnostics) 续LR实战之Discuz开源论坛项目,之前一直是创建虚拟用户脚本(Virtual User Generator)和场景(Controller),现在,终于到了LoadRunner性能测试结果分析(Analysis)这部分了. LoadRunner结果分析图表功能中最重要图表分析之一,就是网页诊断细分图,在Controller场景设计运行之前,需要在菜单栏中设置启用网页诊断功能(诊断-网页诊断-启动),如图: 网页…
Atitit.web三大编程模型 Web Page    Web Forms 和 MVC 1. 编程模型是 Web Forms 和 MVC (Model, View, Controller). 2. Web编程模型?在这里我们定义Web编程模型为如何编写代码生成html返回给最终用户的方法. 它包括两部分,一个是如何编写Web应用程序的规范,另一个则是实现这一规范的Web编程框架, 3. Web Pages 是最简单的 ASP.NET 网页开发编程模型.它提供了一种简单的方法将 HTML.CSS…
本文转自: Over on the ASP.NET forums where I moderate, a user had a problem calling a Web Service from a web page asynchronously. I tried his code on my machine an…
In this tutorial, you will learn how to import a table of data from a Web page and create a report to visualize this data. As part of this process, you navigate across tables available on a web page, and apply data transformation steps to bring the t…