Codeforces Round #404 (Div. 2)——ABCDE】的更多相关文章

题目这里 A.map裸题 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; map <string, int> p; string s[] = { "Tetrahedron", "Cube", "Octahedron" , "Dodecahedron", "Icosahedron" }; , , , , }; int main() { ios…
Codeforces Round #261 (Div. 2)[ABCDE] ACM 题目地址:Codeforces Round #261 (Div. 2) A - Pashmak and Garden 题意:  一个正方形,它的边平行于坐标轴,给出这个正方形的两个点,求出另外两个点. 分析:  推断下是否平行X轴或平行Y轴,各种if. 代码: /* * Author: illuz <iilluzen[at]> * File: A.cpp * Create Date: 2014…
Codeforces Round #404 (Div. 2) 题意:对于 n and m (1 ≤ n, m ≤ 10^18)  找到 1) [n<= m] cout<<n; 2) [n>m]最小的 k => (k -m) * (k-m+1) >= (n-m)*2 成立 思路:二分搜索 #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <map> using namespace std; #define LL long long…
Codeforces Round #279 (Div. 2) 做得我都变绿了! Problems     # Name     A Team Olympiad standard input/output 1 s, 256 MB  x2377 B Queue standard input/output 2 s, 256 MB  x1250 C Hacking Cypher standard input/output 1 s, 256 MB  x740 D Chocolate standard in…
昨晚玩游戏竟然不小心错过了CF..我是有多浪啊. 今天总算趁着下课时间补了,感觉最后两题还是挺有意思的,写个题解. D: 题目大意: 给出一个括号序列,问有多少个子序列 是k个'(' + k个')' 这样的形式.        n<=200000 解法: 对于每个'('的位置,计算以它为最右边的'('的合法子序列数. 假设它左边(包括它)有$l$个'(', 右边有 $r$个')' ,  如果子序列的长度2k, 那么 方案数有$\binom{l-1}{k-1} * \binom{r}{k}= \b…
D. Anton and School - 2 题目连接: Description As you probably know, Anton goes to school. One of the school subjects that Anton studies is Bracketology. On the Bracketology lessons students usually learn differ…
题目链接: A. Anton and Polyhedrons time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Anton's favourite geometric figures are regular polyhedrons. Note that there…
A. Anton and Polyhedrons time limit per test:2 seconds memory limit per test:256 megabytes input:standard input output:standard output Anton's favourite geometric figures are regular polyhedrons. Note that there are five kinds of regular polyhedrons:…
原文链接 2018-02-01 $A$ 题意概括 你要买$m$斤水果,现在有$n$个超市让你选择. 每个超市的水果价格是固定的.第$i$个超市的水果价格用两个整数$a_i和b_i$来表示.含义是$a_i$元可以买$b_i$斤. 问你买$m$斤水果最少花费多少钱. 题解 直接枚举超市,判断最少的花费就可以了. 代码 #include <cstring> #include <cstdio>…
A. Anton and Polyhedrons 题目链接: 智障水题 实现代码: #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ string s; ,t; cin>>t; while(t--){ cin>>s; if(s=="Tetrahedron") ans+=; else if(s==&quo…