文献名:Systematic comparison of strategies for the enrichment of lysosomes by data independent acquisition(通过DIA技术系统比较各溶酶体富集策略) 期刊名:Journal of Proteome Research 发表时间:(2020年1月) IF:4.268 单位: 德国波恩大学 瑞士Biognosys公司 物种:HEK293细胞 技术:数据非依赖性采集(DIA)   一. 概述: 本研究基于…
期刊名:Journal of Proteome Research 发表时间:(2019年9月) IF:3.78 (2018) 单位:巴塞尔大学,瑞士 物种:人细胞系 技术:冷冻电子显微镜(Cryo-EM),单粒子电子显微镜 一. 概述: 本文描述了一种“差异视觉蛋白质组学”(DVP)方法,在蛋白质组学层面研究不同样本间蛋白质和蛋白质复合体的结构变化.细胞裂解后,用无损方式制备成单粒子电子显微镜的上机样品,扫描成像.图像中的单个蛋白质粒子被提取出来,排列,归类,用定量分析法找到阴.阳性对照样品间蛋…
Evolution Strategies as a Scalable Alternative to Reinforcement Learning this blog from: https://blog.openai.com/evolution-strategies/   MARCH 24, 2017 Evolution Strategies as a Scalable Alternative to Reinforcement Learning We’ve discovered that evo…
记录下,有空研究. http://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/DeepLearningInNaturalLanguageProcessing.shtml http://nlp.stanford.edu/courses/NAACL2013/ Fast and Robust Neural Network Joint Models for Statistical Machine Translation ACL2014的论文列表 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s…
https://www.gartner.com/doc/reprints?id=1-4LC8PAW&ct=171130&st=sb Summary Security and risk management leaders are implementing and expanding SIEM to improve early targeted attack detection and response. Advanced users seek SIEM with advanced prof…
单细胞在脑科学方面的应用 Session 1: Deciphering the Cellular Landscape of the Brain Using Single Cell Transcriptomics Single cell/nucleus transcriptomics has emerged as a powerful approach to classify cell types and dynamic cell states in any multicellular organ…
Long Papers [Domain adaptation ] 1. Adversarial Adaptation of Synthetic or Stale Data ( Cited by 14 ) Young-Bum Kim, Karl Stratos and Dongchan Kim Two types of data shift common in practice are 1. transferring from synthetic data to live user data (a…
原文地址:http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2015/02/streaming-big-data-storm-spark-samza.html There are a number of distributed computation systems that can process Big Data in real time or near-real time. This article will start with a short description of th…
(论文编号及摘要见 [2017 ACL] 对话系统. [2018 ACL Long] 对话系统. 论文标题[]中最后的数字表示截止2019.1.21 google被引次数) 1. Domain Adaptation: challenges: (a) data shifts (syn -> live user data; stale -> current) cause distribution mismatch bet train and eval. -> 2017.1 (b) reest…
本文只是学习如何配置PERL DBI.PERL DBD时,整理的一个学习实践文档,大部分参考网上资料,详情请见下面参考资料. PERL对数据库的支持广而且全,几乎所有的主流数据库都有与之相应的PERL模块支持.为了开发可在不同数据库上移植的PERL应用,DBI(DataBase Interface)模块应运而生,使用这个模块,应用只需使用统一的接口便能操作不同的数据库,真正实现了可移植:当然,这个DBI也配备有相应的开关来支持不同数据库的各种特性. DBI只是个抽象层,要实现支持不同的数据库,则…