1. We can make it to play trick in code. At Dialog's show function, after app has set contentView, we can add a GlobalLayoutListener on decorView's ViewTreeObserver. At the listener, we can check the decorView's height, if over the max height, just t…
A balanced binary tree is something that is used very commonly in analysis of computer science algorithms. In this lesson we cover how to determine the maximum number of items it can accommodate. We follow this with a discussion on the maximum height…
js不需要知道图片宽高的懒加载方法 懒加载是如何实现的? - 简书https://www.jianshu.com/p/e86c61468285找到一个不需要知道图片宽高的懒加载方法了(经过实际测试,不加宽高仍然是无法正常加载的,设置height:auto,height:100%,仍然显示高度为0) dinbror/blazy: Hey, be lazy! bLazy.JS is a lightweight pure JavaScript script for lazy loading and m…
设置height:100%无效的解决方法 刚接触网页排版的新手,常出现这种情况:设置table和div的高height="100%"无效,使用CSS来设置height:"100%"也无效,为什么会这样呢?解决height:100%无效,table和div的解决方法并不相同. 首先说一下table,他比较容易解决,当我们使用Dreamweaver来制作网页,新建一张网页,通常在代码头部会有类似以下的代码:<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-…