question: I wrote the following code on immutable Strings. public class ImmutableStrings { public static void main(String[] args) { testmethod(); } private static void testmethod() { String a = "a"; System.out.println("a 1-->" + a);…
This is an old yet still popular question. There are multiple reasons that String is designed to be immutable in Java. A good answer depends on good understanding of memory, synchronization, data structures, etc. In the following, I will summarize so…
String is an immutable class in Java. An immutable class is simply a class whose instances cannot be modified. All information in an instance is initialized when the instance is created and the information can not be modified. There are many advantag…
The string is Immutable in Java because String objects are cached in String pool. Since cached String literals are shared between multiple clients there is always a risk, where one client's action would affect all another client. For example, if one…
There are many reasons due to the string class has been made immutable in Java. These reasons in view, concurrency issues, security issues and performance issues. Here is a list of various valid reasons to go for immutable string class: String在Java中被…
reference: 1. Introduction In this example we are going to discuss about the basic characteristics of Java String Class. String is probably one of the most used types i…
REF: 题目是一道简单的小程序,像下面这样:[java] view plaincopypublic class Test1 {   public static void main(String args[]) {    String s = new String("Hello");    System.out.println(s);      foo(s);…
原文地址:# Why String is immutable in Java? 众所周知,String类在Java中是不可变的.不可变类简单地说是实例不可修改的类.对于一个实例创建后,其初始化的时候所有的信息都不能被修改.不可变类有很多的好处,本文简述为什么String类要设计成不可变类.本文将从内存,同步性,数据结构的角度说明不变性的概念. 1.字符串常量池的需要 String常量池是方法区的一个特殊的储存区.当新建一个字符串的时候,如果此字符串在常量池中早已存在,会返回一个已经存在字符串的引…
二哥,你能给我说说为什么 String 是 immutable 类(不可变对象)吗?我想研究它,想知道为什么它就不可变了,这种强烈的愿望就像想研究浩瀚的星空一样.但无奈自身功力有限,始终觉得雾里看花终隔一层.二哥你的文章总是充满趣味性,我想一定能够说明白,我也一定能够看明白,能在接下来写一写吗? 收到读者小 R 的私信后,我就总感觉自己有一种义不容辞的责任,非要把 immutable 类说明白,否则我就怎么地--你说了算! 01.什么是不可变类 一个类的对象在通过构造方法创建后如果状态不会再被改…
摘要: Java 中的 String类 是我们日常开发中使用最为频繁的一个类,但要想真正掌握的这个类却不是一件容易的事情.笔者为了还原String类的真实全貌,先分为上.下两篇博文来综述Java中的String类.笔者从Java内存模型展开,结合 JDK 中 String类的源码进行深入分析,特别就 String类与享元模式,String常量池,String不可变性,String对象的创建方式,String与正则表达式,String与克隆,String.StringBuffer 和 String…