错误代码: objc_msgSend(self.beginRefreshingTaget, self.beginRefreshingAction, self); Too many arguments to function call, expected 0, have 3 经过几番周折,终于叨叨解决方案了 选中项目 - Project - Build Settings - ENABLE_STRICT_OBJC_MSGSEND 将其设置为 NO 即可 直接上图说明 转:http://www.…
最近帮一个客户搭建跨洋的合并复制,由于数据库非常大,跨洋网络条件不稳定,因此只能通过备份初始化,在初始化完成后向海外订阅端插入数据时发现报出如下错误: Msg 548, Level 16, State 2, Line 2 The insert failed. It conflicted with an identity range check constraint in database %s, replicated table %s, column %s. If the identit…