asmdisk opened & asmdisk cached】的更多相关文章

ASMDISK OPENED - Disk is present in the storage system and is being accessed by Automatic Storage Management. This is the normal state for disks in a database instance which are part of a Disk Group being actively used by the instance. ASMDISK CACHED…
You may have noticed that the first request to an ASP.NET Web site takes longer than subsequent requests as worker threads are started, database connections opened and cached data loaded. One of my clients implemented a two-step process to eliminate…
转自: RHEL 5 / CentOS 5 / Oracle Linux 5 [root@vmt ~]# cat /etc/issue Oracle Linux Server release 5.7 Kernel \r on an \m [root@vmt ~]# uname -p x86_64 [root@vmt ~]# scsi_id -g -u -s /block/sdb SATA…
环境 vm12 workstation ,11.2R 在安装RAC 第二台机器不显示磁盘的是问题 , oracleasm listdisks 查询没有结果 , 于是执行 oracleasm scandisks 挂在asm ,执行完在查看 oracleasm listdisks 发现还是没有加载成功 . 由于直接挂载会报错,所以需要初始化一下再挂载 oracleasm init oracleasm scandisks oracleasm listdisks 查看发现成功 那么我们就在/etc/rc…
问题: 在linux服务器上使用maven编译war时报错: 16:41:35 [FATAL] Non-resolvable parent POM for ***: Failure to find *** in *** was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of nexus has elapsed or updates are forced…
一.命令 [root@localhost ~]# free -m total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 7869 7651 218 1 191 5081 -/+ buffers/cache: 2378 5490 Swap: 478 139 339 二.计算 这里使用1.2 分别代表第一行和第二行的数据 total1:表示物理 内存总量 used1:表示总计分配给缓存(包含buffers 与cache )使用的数量,但其中可能部分缓存并未实际使用 f…
Base项目是在Xcode7上创建的,升级Xcode8以后,编译时候提示错误: The file "" couldn't be opened because you don't have permission to view it. 应该是由于Build Settings->Build Options->Compiler for C/C++/Objective-C的LLVM版本变化导致. 解决办法: 1.找到Xcode项目文件目录Products,右键-&g…
这篇介绍使用Logminer时遇到ORA-01336: specified dictionary file cannot be opened错误的各种场景 1:dictionary_location参数的路径最后多了一个/符号. SQL>  show parameter utl_file_dir;   NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE ------------------------------------ ------…
@import url(;@import url(/css/cuteeditor.css); 下载示例代码,遇到如此错误 The file “Graphics” couldn’t be opened because you don’t have permission to view it. You don’t have permission. 解决方法 :在B…
svn点击update 之后,打开xcode工程文件,会出现  xxx..xcodeproj  cannot be opened becausethe project file cannot be parsed. 发现项目中代码全没了.只有一个空的工程名字,因为xcodeproj工程文件冲突了,然后就是svn强制给你更新了,内部的文件冲突了,你们改了同样的地方的一段代码,可能是你们只是多加了一个空格,或者你们都加了代码,或者都是把对方的删了,自己又加的.所有svn不知道你们谁的对,到底听你们谁的…