What is the relationship and differences between processes and threads? A process usually represent an indepentdent execution unit with its own memory areas, system resources and scheduling slots. A thread is typically a division of a process. Thread…
Interpeter , Iterator , Mediator , Memento and Observer design patterns. (I) what is Interpreter pattern? (B) Can you explain iterator pattern? (A) Can you explain mediator pattern? (I) Can you explain memento pattern? (B) Can you explain observer pa…
State, Stratergy, Visitor Adapter and fly weight design pattern from interview perspective. (I) Can you explain state pattern? (I) Can you explain strategy pattern? (A) Can you explain visitor pattern? (A) What the difference between visitor and stra…
Factory, Abstract factory, prototype pattern (B) What are design patterns? (A) Can you explain factory pattern? (I) Can you explain abstract factory pattern? (I)Can you explain builder pattern? (I) Can you explain prototype pattern? (A) Can you expla…
In this tutorial we will discuss about different types of questions that can be used in a Java interview, in order for the employer to test your skills in Java and object-oriented programming in general. In the following sections we will discuss abou…
This is a summary of some of the most important questions concerning the Spring Framework, that you may be asked to answer in an interview or in an interview test procedure! There is no need to worry for your next interview test, because Java Code Ge…
Conducting Interview is not cheap and costs both time and money to a company. It take a lot of time to find the right candidate for a job from 100s resume you receive from consultants and agents. They will always tell you that this guy is a Java Guru…
Struts Problem Report Struts has detected an unhandled exception: Messages: Write operations are not allowed in read-only mode (FlushMode.MANUAL): Turn your Session into FlushMode.COMMIT/AUTO or remove 'readOnly' marker from transaction definition. F…