Describtion In mathematics, the greatest common divisor (gcd) of two or more integers, when at least one of them is not zero, is the largest positive integer that divides the numbers without a remainder. For example, the GCD of 8 and 12 is 4.-Wikiped…
A.Movie 题意是给n个线段,要求求出是否存在三个不相交的线段,是的话输出yes,否则输出no.根据贪心的想法,可以先找出右端点r'最小的线段,他是三条线段中最左的那条,再找出左端点l'最大的线段,他是三条线段中最右的那条,这样我们只需要找出是否存在一条线段可以放在中间,即区间[l,r],l>r',r<l'. 代码 #include<cstdio> int n; long long L,R,l,r,a,b,c,d,mi,mx,flag,u,v,i; int main() { i…
Luogu3455:莫比乌斯反演进行GCD计数 莫比乌斯反演就是用来解决这一类问题的,通常f函数是要求的那个,F函数是显然的 这样利用F的结果就可以推出来f的结果 在计算结果的时候整除分快儿一下就可以很快了 #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> using std::min; ; int cnt; long long ans; bool vis[maxn]; int mu[maxn],sum[maxn]; long long prim[maxn]…
/* 矩阵乘法+快速幂. 一开始迷之题意.. 这个gcd有个规律. a b b c=a*x+b(x为常数). 然后要使b+c最小的话. 那x就等于1咯. 那么问题转化为求 a b b a+b 就是斐波那契了.... */ #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #define MAXN 3 #define LL long long #define mod 1000000007 using namespace std; LL n; LL a[MAXN]…
先放知识点: 莫比乌斯反演 卢卡斯定理求组合数 乘法逆元 快速幂取模 GCD of Sequence Alice is playing a game with Bob. Alice shows N integers a 1, a 2, -, a N, and M, K. She says each integers 1 ≤ a i ≤ M. And now Alice wants to ask for each d = 1 to M, how many different sequences b…
Describtion First we define: (1) lcm(a,b), the least common multiple of two integers a and b, is the smallest positive integer that is divisible by both a and b. for example, lcm(2,3)=6 and lcm(4,6)=12. (2) gcd(a,b), the greatest common divisor of tw…
Integration of Polynomial Time Limit: 2000/1000MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 128000/64000KB (Java/Others) Submit Statistic Next Problem Problem Description Suppose there are a polynomial which has n nonzero terms, please print the integration polyno…
Cycle Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 865 Accepted Submission(s): 241 Problem Description Ery is interested in graph theory, today he ask BrotherK a problem about it: Given…
① 牛客网输入流: var line=readline().split(' '); ② 赛码网输入流: var line=read_line().split(' '); ③ 输出流: print(); ④ 注意: 赛码网作答时不要进行DOM相关操作,读取一行输入:read_line(),输出一行:print(something):在使用read_line()函数时,请注意如果一行输入超过1024字符,需要多次调用read_line读取输入后自行拼接:在使用print函数输出时请注意,末尾自动带有…