
编码原则 Js控件代码3部曲 (1)设置元素的 状态 在onready中添加 (2)设置元素的 动作, 每个动作 封装成 function(enclosure) (3)remove load之前 删除方法,属性 DeferList1次和 3次DeferList    14s  vs  29s 1次: var tempAr=[]; var queryTask=new esri.tasks.QueryTask(getQueryUrl(0));//station var query=new esri.…
参考: http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/howto-diagnosis.phtml#conventions http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-20609878-id-1915875.html Couldn't set tty to PPP discipline: Invalid argument Symptom: the following messages appear before connection is establishe…
原文:http://ryanwaggoner.com/2010/12/you-dont-really-want-a-million-dollars/a certain kind of ingenuity, discipline, and proactivity that most people seem to lack This morning, I was feeling a little stir-crazy from being cooped up in my office, so I d…
1. Introduction HTB is meant as a more understandable, intuitive and faster replacement for the CBQ qdisc in Linux. Both CBQ and HTB help you to control the use of the outbound bandwidth on a given link. Both allow you to use one physical link to sim…
周一  ~   周五 7.30 ---  8.00 起床,洗漱等 8.00 ---  8.30 默写8-10个英语单词 8.35 ---  9.10 吃早餐,骑自行车去公司 12.20  ---  12.50  吃饭 13.00  ---  13.20  睡觉 19.00  ---  20.00  回家,吃饭 20.00  --- 21.00  娱乐 21.00  --- 21.30 活动活动 22.00  --- 23.00 洗漱,睡觉 周六 ~ 周日…
Linux 中的设备有2种类型:字符设备(无缓冲且只能顺序存取).块设备(有缓冲且可以随机存取).每个字符设备和块设备都必须有主.次设备号,主设备号相同的设 备是同类设备(使用同一个驱动程序).这些设备中,有些设备是对实际存在的物理硬件的抽象,而有些设备则是内核自身提供的功能(不依赖于特定的物理硬件, 又称为"虚拟设备").每个设备在 /dev 目录下都有一个对应的文件(节点).可以通过 cat /proc/devices 命令查看当前已经加载的设备驱动程序的主设备号.内核能够识别的所…
http://agiledon.github.io/blog/2013/04/17/thoughtworks-developer-reading-radar/#rd?sukey=f64bfa68330f696aa05077dbb740f367870988360956e818b4f7074c49ab47258dc687689cc483391f771e27e2bca446 软件业的特点是变化.若要提高软件开发的技能,就必须跟上技术发展的步伐.埋首醉心于项目开发与实战,固然能够锤炼自己的开发技巧,却难…
Either you fuck the life or the life fucks you. 转载自 quora 大致翻译一下,不喜勿喷,谢谢支持!以下是内容: I have used each of them for 15-20+ years. There is no best. They have different strengths and weaknesses. 这些我都用了15到20多年,没有最好的,只是各自有各自的优缺点. C and C++ require a lot of d…
转帖:http://www.glenstevens.ca/unity3d-best-practices/ 另外可以参考:http://devmag.org.za/2012/07/12/50-tips-for-working-with-unity-best-practices/ 组件的拆分可以参考:http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/component.html,此网站上列出了很多的游戏开发中的设计模式,非常值得认真研读. 论坛里的讨论也很有价值:https://…
连接的网络是移动(铁通)的宽带,不同的宽带的dns需要修改. 1.首先安装pppoe包 apt-get install pppoe 2.然后,复制conf文件/etc/ppp/pppoe.conf: #*********************************************************************** # # pppoe.conf # # Configuration file for rp-pppoe. Edit as appropriate and i…
De-mystifying Good Research and Good Papers By Fei-Fei Li, 2009.03.01 Please remember this: 1000+ computer vision papers get published every year! Only 5-10 are worth reading and remembering! Since many of you are writing your papers now, I thought t…
Unbroken(坚不可摧)——Mateusz M YouTube励志红人账号Mateusz M 的作品,短片由几位演讲家Les Brown.Eric Thomas.Steve Jobs.Louis Zamperini的演讲组成,出现的电影画面有<Jobs>.<Her>,背景音乐Confidential Music- Archangel.Unshamed. 每一句话都掷地有声,每一个词都铿锵有力,每一声呐喊都好像是当头棒喝!值得每天早上起来看一遍! You can’t connec…
原文链接:http://domaintree.me/?p=1037 By Robert Thibodeau –  Starting a business can be a very daunting adventure if a proper plan is not put in place. Most entrepreneurs start up their businesses without putting adequate plans in place to succeed. No wo…
1. Linux 上的设备 (device) Linux 操作系统中,各种设备驱动(device driver)通过设备控制器(device controller)来管理各种设备(device),其关系如下图所示: 这些设备之中, 受同一个 device driver 管理的设备都有相同的 major number,这个数字可以看作设备的类别号码,被内核用于识别一类设备 受同一个 device driver 管理的同一类设备中的每一个设备都有不同的 minor number,这个数字可以看作设备…
Engish version copied from here Why This Document? As editor of the Jargon File and author of a few other well-known documents of similar nature, I often get email requests from enthusiastic network newbies asking (in effect) "how can I learn to be a…
http://googletesting.blogspot.com/2016/03/from-qa-to-engineering-productivity.html In Google’s early days, a small handful of software engineers built, tested, and released software. But as the user-base grew and products proliferated, engineers star…
    一般来说,车载导航主机都需要外接若干个UART的外设,如支持HFP的蓝牙模块.与原车通信的CAN解码盒模块.u-blox的GPS模块和DVD机芯等.早年使用Telechips TCC8902+WinCE6.0的方案,该芯片串口比较多,基本够用.最后实在不够时想了一招,动态复用调试串口,参见<WinCE下调试串口的动态复用>.后来改用RK3188+Android做车机,RK3188没那么多串口,于是将所有串口外设都接到了STM32上,甚至把触摸屏和收音机等IIC的设备也一并接了过去.ST…
This is a tutorial on how to program the Serial Ports on your Linux box.Serial Ports are nice little interfaces on the PC which helps you to interface your embedded system projects using a minimum number of wires.In this tutorial we will write a smal…
conscious[英][ˈkɒnʃəs][美][ˈkɑnʃəs]consensus[英][kənˈsensəs][美][kənˈsɛnsəs] scious sensuswaterflood; deluge; flood; flowage; Niagara; spill[英][spɪl][美][spɪl]spell[英][spel][美][spɛl] city urban emperemperortemper irritant Some had begun to build adjacent…
本文转载自:http://www.360doc.com/content/12/0321/14/8363527_196286673.shtml 注意,该文件是2.4的内核的驱动源文件,并不保证在2.6内核中可用.文件路径为kernel/driver/usb/usb_skelton.c 该文件是usb驱动的一个框架,很多usb的驱动都可以在这个文件的基础上进行修改得到. 下面就是该源文件,中文部分是我的注释,如有错误的地方,欢迎指出. /* * USB Skeleton driver - 0.6 *…
001 Love your neighbor as yourself.         要爱人如己.--<旧·利>19:18      002 Resentment kills a fool, and envy slays the simple.         忿怒害死愚妄人,嫉妒杀死痴迷人.--<旧·伯>5:2 003 Does a wild donkey bray when it has grass, or an ox bellow when it has fodder?  …
1. So far so good.   目前为止,一切都好. 2. Be my guest.     请便.别客气. 3. You're the boss.    听你的. 4.I've heard so much about you.     久仰大名. 5. I'll keep my ears open.      我会留意的. 6. Sorry to bother you.        抱歉打扰你. 7.That's really something!      真了不起! Truly…
背景 前段时间在测试docker的网络性能的时候,发现了一个veth的性能问题,后来给docker官方提交了一个PR,参考set tx_queuelen to 0 when create veth device,引起了一些讨论.再后来,RedHat的网络专家Jesper Brouer 出来详细的讨论了一下这个问题. 可以看到,veth设备qdisc队列,而环回设备/桥接设备是没qdisc队列的,参考br_dev_setup函数. 内核实现 在注册(创建)设备时,qdisc设置为noop_qdis…
storysnail的Linux串口编程笔记 作者 He YiJun – storysnail<at>gmail.com 团队 ls 版权 转载请保留本声明! 本文档包含的原创代码根据General Public License,v3 发布 GPLv3 许可证的副本可以在这里获得:http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html 本文档根据GNU Free Documentation License 1.3发布 GFDL1.3许可证的副本可以在这里获得:http://w…
1.背景 1.1.范围 MODBUS 是 OSI 模型第 7 层上的应用层报文传输协议, 它在连接至不同类型总线或网络的设备之间提供客户机/服务器通信. 自从 1979 年出现工业串行链路的事实标准以来, MODBUS 使成千上万的自动化设备能够通信. 目前,继续增加对简单而雅观的 MODBUS 结构支持.互联网组织能够使 TCP/IP 栈上的保留系统端口 502 访问 MODBUS. MODBUS 是一个请求/应答协议,并且提供功能码规定的服务.MODBUS 功能码是 MODBUS请求/应答…
What is "Deployment pipeline"? A deployment pipeline is an automated implementation of your application's build,deploy,test and release process. Typically a deployment pipeline includes: Commit stage(Compile/Unit test/Analysis/Build installers)…
1. General review. Professor Webster published this article in Urban Planning Forum, one of the top Chinese urban planning academic journals, before he went to take the office as Dean of the Faculty of Architecture in the University of Hong Kong. Obv…
catalog . Introduction . Protocol Parameters . HTTP Message . Request . Response . HTTP Method.Content-type对HTTP包解析逻辑的影响 1. Introduction The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedi…
extraction from The C++ Programming Language, 4th. edition, Bjarne Stroustrup If no initializer is specified, a global, namespace, local static, or static member (collectively called static objects) is initialized to {} of the appropriate type. We cl…
QQ群:519230208,为避免广告骚扰,申请时请注明 “开发者” 字样 ======================================================== 参考:http://blog.csdn.net/yel617/article/details/5602934 http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=v96wCcrz8oYObkMTiPa55OyWxg35MhHF4L7voiDhKhtNPCB3uJhvNshz9UVUgpo4BTWm…