Javascript面向对象二 可以通过指定原型属性来对所有的对象指定属性,"zhangsan"; Object.prototype.getType=function(){ var a=typeof(this); alert(a); } var o=new Object(); var o2={}; var d=new Date(); o.getType(); o2.getType(); d.getType(); alert(;…
php PHP-enabled web pages are treated just like regular HTML pages and you can create and edit them the same way you normally create regular HTML pages.(像html一样被编辑) PHP 能够生成动态页面内容PHP 能够创建.打开.读取.写入.删除以及关闭服务器上的文件PHP 能够接收表单数据PHP 能够发送并取回 cookiesPHP 能够添加.…
第九章. 类与面向对象 1) 类 基本类/超类/父类被导出类或子类继承. Inheritance继承 Inheritance is based on attribute lookup in Python (in expressions). Polymorphism多态 In X.method, the meaning of method depends on the type (class) of X. Encapsulation封装 Methods and operator…