Thread in depth 4:Synchronous primitives】的更多相关文章

There are some synchronization primitives in .NET used to achieve thread synchronization Monitor c# provides System.Threading.Monitor class which cooperates with an objcet to implement locking. Every object has a sync block inside its data stucture,w…
Synchronization means multi threads access the same resource (data, variable ,etc) should not cause a corruption to it.If all methods of a class promise threading synchronization,we call that the class is "Thread Safe". Thread Safety ALL static…
When we want to do a work asynchronously, creating a new thread is a good way. .NET provides two others ways rather than create thread explicitly, that is ThreadPool and Task. ThreadPool Every single CLR maintains a threadpool.There is a queue for us…
Every single thread has the follow elements: Execution Context:Every thread has a execution context which maintains some basical data about the running of the thread, like windows identity information, pricipal ,etc.One important thing about executio…
# Redis configuration file example.## Note that in order to read the configuration file, Redis must be# started with the file path as first argument:## ./redis-server /path/to/redis.conf# Note on units: when memory size is needed, it is possible to s…
docker+redis安装与配置 docker安装redis并且使用redis挂载的配置启动 1.拉取镜像 docker pull redis:3.2 2.准备准备挂载的目录和配置文件 首先在/docker_data/redis/data 创建好文件夹用于存放redis数据,这个文件夹位置也可以自己选. 然后在/docker_data/redis/ 创建好redis.conf文件.用户redis的配置.redis.conf可以从redis官网下载 然后启动的时候导入redis的配置文件,就可以…
1.搜索镜像 docker search redis 2.拉取合适镜像 docker pull redis:5.0.3 docker images 3.使用镜像 docker run -p 6379:6379 -v $PWD/data:/data -d redis:5.0.3 redis-server --appendonly yes 命令说明: -p 6379:6379 : 将容器的6379端口映射到主机的6379端口 -v $PWD/data:/data : 将主机中当前目录下的data挂载…
写在前面的话:读书破万卷,编码如有神 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.手工创建集群 需要搭建的redis集群如下图所示: 1.1.首先进行集群配置 (1)拷贝redis.conf文件6份,分别命名为:redis6381.conf.redis6382.conf.redis6383.conf.redis6384.conf.redis6385.conf.…
写在前面的话:读书破万卷,编码如有神 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.复制 Redis支持复制的功能,以实现当一台服务器的数据更新后,自动将新的数据同步到其它数据库. Re…
# Redis configuration file example. # # Note that in order to read the configuration file, Redis must be # started with the file path as first argument: # # ./redis-server /path/to/redis.conf # Note on units: when memory size is needed, it is possibl…