Get started with Programming Javascript中的保留字,但是大部分却没在这个语言中使用.undefined,NaN,Infinity也应该算保留字. abstract boolean break byte case catch char class const continue debugger default delete do double else enum export extends false final finally float for func…
After you understand how C-level extensibility works in Dreamweaver and its dependency on certain data types and functions, it’s useful to know how to build a library and call a function. The following example requires the following five files, locat…
javascript作为一门高级语言,他尽量让开发人员减少思考底层的硬件工作原理,而将精力集中在逻辑开发的层面.不过,不论这门语言多么高级,我们必须知道数据依然以bits的形式存储,有时候我们会直接与这些bits打交道,这就是我们今天的主题——javascript位运算(JavaScript Bit Manipulation). 在讨论之前我们设定一个问题:下面的代码执行的结果是什么? var a = "10"| 0 ; console.log("Bitwise Or a i…
Erstellung von Replik-IDs mittels @Text-Funktion@Text( @Now; "*" )Source NoPersist option in SetProfileField/GetProfileField:@SetProfileField([NoPersist];"Value to store";@Username) This is a neat flag used to set variables in a virtua…
I just went through some vedio related to javascript performance which is great, Here is the notes I made: Scope management 1. Identifier Resolution Every time the function is executed, the execution context is created. The scope chain in the executi…
The Module Pattern Modules Modules are an integral piece of any robust application's architecture and typically help in keeping the units of code for a project both cleanly separated and organized. In JavaScript, there are several options for impleme…
(a 600MB+ sized c/c++ compiler which is capable of hi-light and JB styled completion!! and of-course with VIM efficiency !!) Till now, several days passed before I started learning to compile a self-designed gvim.. It is no good experience, but full…