Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are responsible for the major breakthroughs in image recognition made in the past few years. In this chapter we will cover: Implementing a Simpler CNN Implementing an Advanced CNN Retraining Existing CNN models Ap…
原网址: by DataFlair Team · Published May 21, 2018 · Updated September 15, 2018 1.目标-TensorFlow CNN 卷积神经网络 在之前的TensorFlow教程中,我们讨论了使用TensorFlow进行手写识别.今天我们讲学习怎样使用TensorFlow创建一个卷积神经网络关于CIFAR 10的分类模型…
概述 前面几节讲的是linear regression的内容,这里咱们再讲一个非常常用的一种模型那就是classification,classification顾名思义就是分类的意思,在实际的情况是非常常用的,例如咱们可以定义房价是否过高,如果房价高于100万,则房价过高,设置成true:如果房价低于100万,则房价不高,target就可以设置成false.这里的target就只有2种,分别只有True和False,而不像咱们的的linear regression那样target是连续的.在实际…
 ICIC Express Letters                  ICIC International ⓒ2010 ISSN 1881-803X Volume4, Number5, October 2010                                                pp.1–6   A Novel Multi-label Classification Based on PCA and ML-KNN Di Wu, Dapeng Zhang, Fe…
Visual Object Tracking based on Adaptive Siamese and Motion Estimation 本文提出一种利用上一帧目标位置坐标,在本帧中找出目标可能出现的位置的网路--motion estimation network (named MEN)  .在产生候选位置时,本文从两个可能的坐标下手,采用高斯分布产生很多候选框.然后将候选框送进Siamese Network进行相似性对比. 作者选用最近几帧的目标作为匹配对象(Buffer),提升鲁棒性.…
本章介绍tf基础知识,主要包括cookbook的第一.二章节. 方针:先会用,后定制 Ref: TensorFlow 如何入门? Ref: 如何高效的学习 TensorFlow 代码? 顺便推荐该领域三件装备: How TensorFlow Works? Steps Import or generate datasets Transform and normalize data Partition datasets into train, test, and validation sets Se…
现象: WARNING:root:Variable [resnet_v1_50/block1/unit_1/bottleneck_v1/conv1/BatchNorm/beta] is not available in checkpointWARNING:root:Variable [resnet_v1_50/block1/unit_1/bottleneck_v1/conv1/BatchNorm/beta/Momentum] is not available in checkpointWARNI…
From: 先大概了解模型,再看如果加载pre-training weight. 关于retain这件事,插入231n的一页PPT.总之:数据多,筹码多,再大胆训练更多的weight:否则,别胡闹. 这里有lots of pretrained ConvNets: CS231n Winter 2016: Le…
In this chapter, we'll cover the following recipes: Implementing Operational Gates Working with Gates and Activation Functions Implementing an One-Hidden-Layer Neural Network Implementing Different Layers Using Multilayer Networks Improving Predictio…
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are responsible for the major breakthroughs in image recognition made in the past few years. In this chapter we will cover: Implementing a Simpler CNN Implementing an Advanced CNN Retraining Existing CNN models Ap…